1. night train says:

    I guess the religious are hellbound now.

    1. Wait until they find out how much nicotine they've been eating in their food too.

  2. Alcohol is an inflammatory and asthma trigger for me since having s severe toxic exposure almost 24 years ago. Truth in labeling is as vital for me than h=those with peanut or milk allergies, etc. Now I know why I rarely drink any soda, and many other processed foods that contain formaldehyde producing products like MSG which is another ' trigger'. This is potentially life =threatening as one of my accepted diagnoses at federal workers compensation is chemically induced pneumonitis. How dare they lie and let my medical conditions be aggravated. My discrimination compliant with the office of civil rights for HHS goes unanswered and so does the ones filed every 180 days, When I filed the first one in 1/08; the regional manager in Dallas called and laid me out cold for blowing the whistle on the FDA and the other offending parties. Getting legal help is virtually nonexistence as no one is willing to take on billionaires who have gotten permission from the govt to lie to the people. Thanks so much for the warning! Purified water will be my drink of choice from now on! I used to be able to tolerate a small glass of Pepsi, but that has changed in recent years, too as can taste something inflammes and is harmful, to me. We the people have the right to life and that means we have the right to truth in labeling for everyone of us as many have different kinds of allergies and sensitivities and we need the right to protect our lives and health. Even the attorneys that started a class action suit against Tropicana have pulled back . Guess they didn't realize FDA gave that permission for tobacco flavorings chemicals were permitted to be labeled as natural flavorings in 1992. Linda Joy Adams

  3. Soda should by law be clearly labelled with regards to the health risks associated with drinking them, and advertising should be severely regulated, just like the tobacco industry…

  4. Italics Mine says:

    When I was a kid eating meat on Friday was a damnable act; it made no sense from any perspective, but logic wasn't part of the equation. And in this God-fearing state of Massachusetts, the Blue Laws forbade stores from opening on "the Lord's Day". So, people did their shopping in New Hampshire on Sunday, and enriched that state. Most people long ago retired their religious prohibitions, or reinterpreted them with the changing times.

  5. mothman777 says:

    The average human digestive system produces 3 grams of ethanol a day anyway.

  6. CLEANANDKRAZY64 says:


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