1. Appreciate this article on migraines as I suffer from them myself. Thanks!

  2. I have used 400mg magnesium citrate and 50mg B6 daily to very good effect to help with migraines. I also make sure I eat meals regularly and avoid foods that trigger the migraines for me. I have reduced the events from 1-2 weekly to 2-3 yearly by doing this for the past few years.

  3. This link goes blank after a few seconds.

  4. Thanks, Cathy, for the natural preventive suggestion.

    Another natural preventive course of action is acupuncture, which has worked well for me. After seeing my acupuncturist, I would be migraine free for almost a year. Once I started getting them again, I would go back for another treatment. One time it took two treatments to keep the migraines from reoccurring, but usually this wasn't the case.

    Dr. Oz recently recommended the herb Feverfew as a natural anti-inflammatory, but I haven't tried it yet.

  5. I am surprised to see that magnesium wasn't mentioned. I don't have migraines myself, but I've told migraine suffers that magnesium is supposed to help and received reports back that it does. There's lots of online info available if one searches migraines and magnesium. I believe I've read that the modern diet leaves many magnesium deficient, which would explain why so many of us have migraines. Here's links to a couple of studies: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8792038, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9523054

  6. I also suffer from headaches and refuse to use any of the over the counter medications. I have found that peppermint oil is a really great way to release the tension around the temples and back of the neck. I keep it on my desk and in my purse to breathe in when I feel the denseness of the headache coming on. It also works well in an infuser to fill the air in your home.

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