5 Poison ‘Medicines’ Women Should Avoid and Replace with Natural Remedies

While science is always developing, the western world is slow to alter its ways in the face of evidence pointing to the dangers or inefficiency of new medicine and realizations that old treatments could replace current medicines. Further, it is no different than some of the decisions we make with our health. Everyone could make some beneficial changes, and a woman’s well-being is often neglected especially due to hard-sticking health myths. Here are 5 ‘medicines’ that can easily be replaced with more natural alternatives:
1. Uva Ursi Instead of Antibiotoics
Antibiotics are already over-prescribed for many ailments, and they are causing bacteria to become stronger and more resistant to the prescription drugs that are often prescribed. Urinary tract infections are often stubborn and are primarily treated in allopathic medicine with more than one type of antibiotic. This type of infection can happen often in women, and is sometimes referred to as ‘the honeymooner’s disease.’
Uva Ursi, also known as bearberry, has been used for centuries as a natural diuretic and homeopathic treatment for ailments like urinary tract infections, bladder inflammation, and other inflammatory diseases primarily due to two chemical constituents: arbutin and hydroquinone.
The herb is also full of antioxidants and has an astringent affect, so it naturally fights unwanted bacteria. Conversely, antibiotics disrupt the natural flora of the gut and wipe out all the good bacteria in the bladder and urethra so that persistent urinary tract infections are more likely to occur.
2. Chrysin in Passion Flower Extracts Instead of Breast Cancer Drugs
Many of the estrogen-stopping drugs found in aromatase-inhibitors made by the pharmaceutical companies can wreck havoc on a woman’s body. They are often used to treat breast cancer, but with prolonged use they cause liver inflammation and even cancer.
Chrysin, a naturally occurring flavanoid in passion flower, has shown to effectively reduce inflammation which leads to this type of cancer through the Cox 2 pathway.
3. Stop Giving Your Baby BPA-Filled Teething Rings and use Baltic Amber Instead
While many baby teething rings are filled with BPA (biosphenal A), an industrial chemical which can adversely affect your baby’s brain and development, Baltic amber teething necklaces and rings made with real amber and not counterfeit are full of succinic acid. Baltic amber specifically has an 8% concentration of this beneficial natural compound. Amber found in the Baltic region has been used throughout Europe for centuries as a natural antibiotic and cure for numerous ailments.
4. Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps Instead of Medications that Harm the Endocrine System
There are two types of menstrual cramps: primary and secondary dysmenorrheal. They are both equally debilitating for millions of women.
Instead of popping Midol like candy, try increasing your omega 3 fatty acids, eat more magnesium and try acupressure. These will all save endocrine system from producing more stress hormones, which can happen due to the high levels of caffeine in products like Midol.
Overuse of Ibuprofin or aspirin can also adversely affect your gastrointestinal system. Check out our home remedies for menstrual cramps page for more natural alternatives.
5. Breathe, Meditate or Do Yoga Instead of Taking Anti-Depressants
A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association said that many medications like Paxil and Prozac were no more effective than a placebo pill, but they have a whole lot of unsavory side effects. If you are feeling blue, try taking a deep diaphragmatic breath, as suggested by a recent NPR program, meditate (it has been proven to be more effective at reducing pain than morphine) or do some yoga, which naturally relieves deep emotional and psychological tensions from the body.
I'm always looking for natural remedies since I had leukemia. After leukemia I was taking about 20 prescription drugs but with the doctors permission, my daughter started cutting me down on them. Now I only take one prescription drug, but I'm still looking for a nature remedy to take the place of that one.
Going gluten free (wheat, barley, and rye) will likely help your health improve as well. Gluten is TOXIC and should not be consumed my humans or animals. It's the common denominator for the majority of health issues in this country.
Mary, look into detoxing first. That is a remedy in and of itself. Next, read about the benefits of raw milk and healthy fats like coconut oil raw milk butter, avocado etc.
Milk should be omitted by people with cancer as ALL SUGARS, limiting carbs, cancer loves sugar, fats and carbs, also lack of oxygen. Ca, doesn't like hot/warm body, oxygen, … look for gyms to exercise – mildly- with infrared beds or saunas (you can also find them in the internet). very important to get immune system in form -: diet/food/supplements/ herbal & specific plants etc. the best fruits are the berries since have little sugar and lots of antioxidants but should be eaten in small amounts. Read " the CHINA STUDY'
Dairy? You're kidding right?? That's not good advice. If it didn't come from you Mom it's not your milk.
Read this and pass it on to save a life if not your own…
Thank you for sharing this!!!!
Any cancer patient who has legal access to hemp oil should avail themselves of it. Apart from the strong indications that it might well kill various kinds of cancer cells (including breast cancer), it knocks down the side effects of the very toxic drugs they use to treat it. We are told that it actually repairs such damage.
I have been on two aromatase inhibitors, and they are truly toxic, but this is aggravated by my body's intolerance for single molecule drugs, and a lot of chemical drugs in general. My system is much more tolerant of whole herbals, so I will try the Passion Flower, too. After ten years, my breast cancer metastasized to the bone, and I was rediagnosed. Six months later (using a gram of hemp oil a day, in addition to the aromatase inhibitor) I have been pronounced in remission. I could be wrong, but my oncologist's enthusiasm for my hemp use leads me to suspect that cancer patients who use hemp tend to do better than those who don't.
FWIW, I raised an asthmatic child on thyme tea. The thyme was much better at knocking the asthma down than the one toxic prescription she had, briefly, and has little or no side effects. I have taken it successfully for any kind of chest colds, and it is so simple my daughter was inclined to go out to the garden and cut her own and make her own tea by the time she was five. To a cup of boiling water add 1tbspn thyme, fresh or dry leaf or powder, one whole clove and a tsp of honey, if you like it. Take it every two or three hours as needed.
Herbals are too useful to be abandoned. We no longer take them seriously, but they were useful to us long before chemical drugs were even thought of. Some of those are very useful, but far too many of them are more toxic than the condition warrants, or simply just worse than the condition.
yes I heard that hemp oil can do many things to help a lot of different disease's ( heart & cancer) & no side effects. but the kind u need can be hard to find, and it does not make u high!
Actually, whether you get high depends on the strains of hemp used to extract the oil. Some people much prefer low thc product if they can get it, because some people don't like to be high.
Since this is the only side effect I have noticed from any hemp products, it amazes me that people take medications with truly toxic side effects, with no complaints, but complain that hemp makes them high. I do seek out hemp oil with high cbd/low thc when I can find it, but those strains are harder to find. I can live with being high much more easily than I can live with the side effects of the prescribed meds, and I certainly have no objection to killing off any cancer cells that might be exposed.
Looks like there will be more states legalizing marijuana, for medical or recreational use or both, so push your representatives. While you are advocating for access to hemp, you might also express dissatisfaction with Nestlé's plan to patent herbs. They are targeting fennel flower to get the project off the ground, and will certainly try to us sloppy US regulation to get that camel's nose under our tent before they are through. Let's don't let them do it.
The "high" is also beneficial for pain, anxiety and sleep so do not despair! Some people might feel paranoid at first, but no one has ever died from using marijuana and there are no negative side effects to one's health. The paranoia does go away after a bit and then you are left feeling nothing but peaceful and bliss. Many people, myself included do not feel paranoia often. Actually very rarely!
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Patcharapat, Hua Hin Thailand – Khun Siwalai
the amber teething neckless is dangerous, how can you advise that. if it breaks the child can ‘eat’ the balls. it will be different if the pieces were very large similar to the plastic ones.
is there any way that you can buy already made – with this grade, of course- ? I am asking because 1. i don’t know where to get the proper hemp, 2. I don’t know how to make it. the video from Rick S. seems very dangerous to me. ( 3.I don’t understand directions very well – English is not my first language-) I don’t understand if helps with cancer , why can we use it -and be able to buy it legally any medical place
I don’t know if you are going to see this comment but I am going to write it anyway. My daughters friend had leukemia when he was young. he was treated with chemo. and radiation. He was also given turkey tail tea (mushrooms) and he was the only one who survived from the group of kids with blood cancer (leukemia). He is the third person telling me they got cured with turkey tail. I think there are a few places selling it in the west coast. (CA. OR. & WA.)
where do they sell that? England? in the supermarket? I live in Pa. USA
I never saw TESCO GOOD OIL but I will like to know how to get it. Thank you for the information. and if you have more information, please let me know.
Humans have been eating wheat (in Europe and part of Asia) for centuries… prehistoric times, the problem we have today – to became toxic – is that this wheat is not the same as they used to eat long time ago, also 98% is GMO, specially in the US.