1. Guy Rocky says:

    I read green tea (mainly from India and China) has more pesticides than most fruit and veg…. and you can’t wash it off – except into your tea.

  2. Ariel Gail MacLean says:

    The problem about any produce – herbs, vegetables, oils, supplements from China – the world’s highest producer and distributor on the planet, is the heavy metal contamination in the soil. Certified Organic does nothing to address this possible contamination and China is primarily over the top in terms of levels of heavy metals now. Let me say this again: Certified Organic Labeling does nothing to protect us from this problem, and only relates to some pesticides, not even all of the ones used, nor does it address the other agricultural chemicals such as many herbicides, fungacides, and other sprays and synthetics. Is Certified Organic worth the extra money? Absolutely. We must make the choices where we can to lower the toxic load our bodies are being unwittingly subjected to….our predicament today is nothing like it was even 20 years ago. We have reached the point of unsustainability on our Only Planet. 10-30% higher cost is much less important.

    1. Alfredo Sanchez says:

      China, USA, who cares …. when corrupted humans use regulations meant to protect the public to wipe their behind with, … the public suffers whether you are American or Chinese.

  3. First and foremost, consumers can rest assured that our industry’s beverages are safe. Contrary to the conclusions cited here, the FDA has noted there is no reason at all for any health concerns, a position supported by regulatory agencies around the world. Also, readers may be interested to know that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says “a consumer would have to drink more than 1,000 cans of soda a day to reach the doses administered that have shown links to cancer in rodents.” This finding builds on in-depth scientific research conducted over decades, which has determined there is absolutely no evidence that caramel color causes cancer in humans, or other alleged health issues for that matter.
    -American Beverage Association

  4. Alfredo Sanchez says:

    H2O baby, H2O.
    At the pace we going, our children will one day realize how precious, delicious, and refreshing clean, non fluoride containing H2O can be.

    real juice is not bad either, … just makes sure to squeeze it right from the tree not the store.

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