1. Anonymous says:

    Good article. The USDA cares more about the almighty $ than health.

  2. Yeup!! When corporations can dictate legislation, we are in serious trouble! "We the people" are mere surfs at this point in time…wake-up O'sleepers to the new reality!

  3. Yes, a great shame that the almighty buck wins over the safety of food, it doesn't help if Obama and previous US Governments put ex? Monsanto top people in key positions of power.

    Monsanto is just getting away with murder with its GM seeds, just like it did along with other US Chemical companies when it nmanufactured Agent Orange used on Vietnam. Just look at how many Vietnamese died following the spraying of 80 million litres of AO over a period of ten-years, and now dow has joined with Monsanto to spray part of the AO mixture on US crops….

    Readers wanting to know more on AO should go to: http://www.aoag.org

  4. This just makes me sick. If any of their family has cancer and the Dr. says it was most likely from a spray that was sprayed, I wonder if people will feel different then? Why does it have to HIT HOME before people wake up?? We know what AO did and does. Why do it again, plus why do the other………..I am very much against this and wish there was a way to FIGHT it………but when dollars speak, what can we do?

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