1. blank concerned citizen says:

    This kind of junk information makes the case difficult for us to convince others that there is a point to discuss other topics of concern. Sensationalism is not going to aid our cause.

  2. Well , if the usual reasons for death are illiminated, bordom will will certainly get them !

  3. Ruling Elite?..arent men who meet in secret, to create wars, stop herbs and natural rememdies, push toxic drugs, create propaganda to keep it all going through media that they have bribed….isnt that..Organised Crime?..

    why do we call these men..elite?..

    Elite is someone who creates an amazing future with incredible freedoms that create amazing tech, and amazing food,and a society based on natures laws not corporate laws for munney that doesnt exist..or is created out of nothing..

    Elite?..men who hide in the shadows and are surrounded by the poor, with guns to protect them from other poor people who are trying to kill them..because they have caused so much death and destruction…me thinks not..more like ..the SAD…[Seasonal Affected Disoerder..permanently]..and the SAD are running[literally] out of time..

  4. That is absolutely right, I vote them in the robotic bodies.

  5. i dont understand why these articles always pretend that uploading a copy of yourself onto a computer is the same thing as immortality. Its just a copy, when your brain dies, you die. end of story.

    1. That's not an accurate statement. Essentially all we are is structured information. Scan it, replicate it, and you exist twice. Just because you aren't able to visualize it doesn't mean it's not possible.

    2. I'm curious. What gives you this idea? Maybe your extensive research in neurological science?

  6. What a load of rubbish!

    We probably won't be here in 2045.

    Everything is going down the loo!

    1. Speak for yourself my friend. We will most definitely be here; and the loos will be nicer to boot.

  7. What part of these avatars will contain our soul? will there be an artificial pinel gland which connects us to our higher being, our mind/soul? ("mind" not to be confused with our brain)

    1. Can you please explain to me this soul thing you speak of? I am not being a troll here, I would just like a definitive explanation of what the soul is, and where it resides.

  8. You guys ever here of redundant backups? Also, your idea about EMPs is equally ludicrous. Although movies have given the impression that EMPs will take us back to the dark ages, there is NO VERIFIABLE PROOF that actual EMP weapons are even possible under the misconceptions you probably harbor. Do more homework before you spout nonsense.

  9. blank Rock em Sock em says:

    Sounds like they'll have all sorts of amazing abilities.. but geomancy won't be one of them.

  10. I agree if an EMP were to hit a major power grid all systems would be down. Thus, this would render any bio-human or should we say "Trans-humanoid" helpless against this sort of attack. Besides the EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) I've noticed how this plan doesn't seem to include any commoners. This appears to be a plan only for the upper crust and as such it will be funded via the upper crust.

    Not unless they are suggesting worker drones which is what this appears to be. So tell me is this the plan to enslave society ("the worthless feeders")? Is this the way to get society which already has an inability to think for themselves because they've been inundated with a blitz of subliminal programming to comply with this agenda? Yes, this is how they will live as self sustainable beings.

    Who says anyone wishes to live life in this manner? Life's not worth living if you can't enjoy humanity as it was intended. However, that's the goal right "The Matrix"? How about we work on the eradication of things such as Cancer, Aids, MS, and any other physical aliment there is before we jump the gun here with some alchemist view?

    I believe this entertainer is one of these 2045 people. They must be acquaintances with her in some capacity. It appears that she supports the same agenda evidently. Notice the tear which falls from her eye when the animal which she's crossbred with sprints from the sight of her as some freakish trans-humanoid!


  11. I don't care how redundant any backup system is it's non-operational without power:

    "The EMP Commission was established pursuant to title XIV of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (as enacted into law by Public Law 106-398; 114 Stat. 1654A-345). Duties of the EMP Commission include assessing:

    the nature and magnitude of potential high-altitude EMP threats to the United States from all potentially hostile states or non-state actors that have or could acquire nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles enabling them to perform a high-altitude EMP attack against the United States within the next 15 years;

    the vulnerability of United States military and especially civilian systems to an EMP attack, giving special attention to vulnerability of the civilian infrastructure as a matter of emergency preparedness;

    the capability of the United States to repair and recover from damage inflicted on United States military and civilian systems by an EMP attack; and

    the feasibility and cost of hardening select military and civilian systems against EMP attack.

    The Commission is charged with identifying any steps it believes should be taken by the United States to better protect its military and civilian systems from EMP attack.

    Multiple reports and briefings associated with this effort have been produced by the EMP Commission including an Executive Report (PDF, 578KB) and a Critical National Infrastructures Report (PDF, 7MB) describing findings and recommendations.

    The EMP Commission was reestablished via the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 to continue its efforts to monitor, investigate, make recommendations, and report to Congress on the evolving threat to the United States from electromagnetic pulse attack resulting from the detonation of a nuclear weapon or weapons at high altitude.



  12. Before I go let me leave you with this thought:

    If the technology is currently in the developmental stages for the 2045 project then what does that say about more sophisticated EMP Devices? Perhaps, there will even be some capable of drilling underground to hit a power grid there?

    I like to state that most of the EMP data that I see around has been conducted on the older systems. I do believe there will be newer technology which exploits the current EMP prototypes available. The newer systems put in place will harness the capabilities and technology of the predecessor. The technological advances of this “EMP Star Wars Device” once deployed would effectively demolish that power grid and any such systems.

    Moreover, any devices which depend on the utilization of renewable energy such as solar, wind, or otherwise are not exempt from a direct attack either. I don’t believe that a nuclear defense system will protect the sensitivity of a computational information hub based upon man-made technology deployed on ground. That system would still subject to some sort of threat via a strategic ground attack.

    *Consider what a turbulent lightening storm would do to any on ground based or exposed recipient device (HAARP 3.6 megawatts) Some say that HAARP (seabased) has 21.6 megawatts capability. Perhaps that's just a rumor?

  13. My cats breath smells like cats breath……….

    But seriously, better hope that god does'nt take offence and stop this sort of research in its tracks. I applaud the efforts of these scientists and would love the thought of my future offsprings children's children possibly living forever and therefore my name carrying on forever. But, this sort of research does create a lot of questions and I'm more afraid that it will create more problems than it solves for my childrens children……

    1. your children's children will laugh at your religious beliefs.

  14. blank AuroraCouture says:

    I guess my question is, when someone's brain is downloaded into another brain, how do we know it is still that person and not just a cloned copy?

    When I download a file onto my hard-drive, all that has happened is an exact copy has been put on my desktop, but not the true original. I'm not sure how what is being planned in this article will answer this paradox.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      This sounds alot like Johnny Mnemonic right now.

  15. OH NO!!! You mean we will have Arnie Rimmer Holograms running around quoting space corpse directives? WE ARE DOOMED!!!

  16. Please … Singlularity, NGR, Ray Kurtzweil. Done.

  17. blank Anonymous says:

    Jesus is coming soon.repent!!!

  18. This is absolutely ridiculous! Consciousness is INDEPENDENT of the physical brain, the brain is merely a computer storage area for consciousness. There is no way to transfer one's consciousness (a vast spiritual energy) into an artificial brain. Consciousness is already immortal, and not dependent on anything or anyone physical. The ignorance of some so-called scientists is unbelievable.

    1. Do you have any proof for anything you just said?

    2. Religious types always have to add their two cents of nonsense. I get a kick out of it every time

  19. blank FrankNorman says:

    Artificial brain? That's not immortality, that's replacing the living person with a robot copy. The copy is not the original. Its not even like it, just designed to behave like it.

    Anyone who confuses that with personal immortality need only consider: in principle they could make the cyber-copy of you while you were still alive. Meet your new twin – he's going to live for centuries. While you, on the other hand…

  20. blank M Schultz says:

    On the one and this could be a giant con to suck money out of the wealthy for fundraising for research which will never go anywhere but provide a good living for the researchers.

    Whether it will work or not, the idea that it could work will encourage these psychopaths who plunder our would indiscriminately, destroying our food system, environment etc., because this will give them, they think, a way of surviving the destructive effects of their greed and lust for power.

  21. Transferring the brain or brain contents will do nothing because the brain is only an instrument ..not who we are. We are infinitely more than any brain could comprehend.

  22. i was looking forward to my flying car and robot maids by now oh and a push button job science failed me boo hoo hoo lol

  23. Impossibility – they'd be nothing but elaborate puppets. Facsimiles. Pinocchios. What is true is, the dumb rich and easy wealth are soon parted.

  24. god save us the world is going to hell well the majority

  25. blank Nina Widlund says:

    Be careful what you wish for. To live eternally can be a blessing or a curse. You will see loved ones live and die, civilizations rise and fall. No attachments will endure with you. Eventually the immortal will either live in his own hell or work to find agape love and wisdom.

  26. blank Durtyoleman says:

    I say we use it on the Russians first.

  27. blank Chris Punches says:

    Forfeit? Forfeit is right. Who would run the servers?

  28. blank Anenome Ofglobalgov says:

    Agreeing with JOERUN2. Those of us (and there are many) who have had out of body experiences are well aware that consciousness (our ‘amness’) is apart from the brain but uses the brain to experience physicality via the 5 senses. Check out (RIP) Robert Monroe’s 3 classic books (and The Monroe Institute) in which he, having a natural aptitude for ‘slipping out of the physical body’, experienced anxiety of this ‘gift’ but, once assured of his normality by psychiatric friends, was overcome by curiosity so became an explorer of the non-physical worlds. We are made in God’s image, not as a physical body (God is not an object!) but our consciousness. These Elites are elite only in their madness. By the way, my out of body experiences were spontaneous and a true gift, for death no longer has the negative connotations, it is just a transition to non-physical reality (and in my Father’s house are many mansions – like attracts like over there, it is not a mixedbag, so psychopathic mass murderers will congregate, apart from those of a more noble persuasion – thank God.

  29. ugh……..just ….ugh……

  30. never underestimate the power of evil

  31. blank Kenji Makoto says:

    You should watch Only Lovers Left Alive by Jim Jarmusch, you might enjoy it.

  32. well………. what is consciousness???? What is energy????? energy you would say is all things? consciousness then thus is energy because chemical reactions are energy transfers and releases. So……. consciousness is all things… So when you die and you dissipate you go to all things!!!!! where do you want to go????????? and which part of the brain do you want to be your portal of escape?? god and the light? Occipital and parietal lobes…. something else…. cerebral cortex and other parts. sooooo religious lunatics no more!!!! now on what level? i don’t know if you can remain completely aware and alive after you die and retain your ability to learn and think unless you had some ability like being a particle or a part of a energy source, which is like the sun…. and the light…….. but…… still. a photon….. electromagnetic and energy…. Boom….. 5 bucks

  33. All this is ridiculous, since the actual individual higher self that sends a portion of its energy into a body to gather experiences is ALREADY immortal. The idea of ‘you are your body’ is ignorant and stupid. If exploration of reality apart from your body is part of your path, all this becomes immediately verifiable. If it isn’t in your path, you will have to wait until the body dies for it to become obvious. The ‘wealthy elite’ on any planet are simply ‘reincarnates’ who have not matured that are predisposed to invoking ‘power over’ routines on others, incarnation after incarnation. As such, they are conceptually hobbled, and this is where the ‘transhumanist’ notion is born. Once their higher self evolves out of that predisposition and matures, they have access to higher levels of exploration and experiences.

  34. blank Iris Waters says:

    I’ve run (briefly) in circles with some of the malignant narcissist “successful” psychopaths working on this over in silly-con valley. they disgust me beyond measure.

  35. why settle for that when we will have eternal life,k and transformed bodies when we die?

  36. blank Rhinehard Heydrick says:

    Yes, if it isn’t transferred over while you are still alive, then yes. But life is just electrical charge and flesh. Watch Chappie; it is heavily simplified on that movie, but that is basically it.

  37. blank Rhinehard Heydrick says:

    Their loved ones would not die, seeing as they are the elite.

  38. blank Rhinehard Heydrick says:

    Exactly; the copy won’t be able to tell the difference, but the actual consciousness of the original might not be there.

  39. blank Rhinehard Heydrick says:

    You will never stop them. They hide behind the most “persecuted” people and religion ever. How will you stop them , when they own the media, not bribe, and most people cannot think for themselves and are poisoned by the food they feed us through companies like monsanto? They still have Germany on its knees 80 years after a fairy tale happened. They tried the 6 million number in world war 1, and it didn’t stick, so they tried it again, and it stuck. When evidence is out in open like that, and people still don’t wake up, it is time to give up.

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