1. Please harvest consciously. Only take what you need. That goes to individuals and groups!! Please!

  2. blank freedomdove says:

    Turkey tail is just one of many medicinal mushrooms with anti-cancerous effects. I use several different varieties for my own treatments. There are at least 2 vendors online that sell organic medicinal mushrooms in bulk. I buy the powder and encapsulate it myself (I use the Cap ‘M Quik, which is superior to the Capsule Connection encapsulator, IMO). It makes supplementation much less expensive than if you were to buy the already-encapsulated mushrooms. Some mushrooms extract more of their medicine into alcohol so tinctures are also available.
    It’s important to use mushrooms in conjunction with other things; never rely on one treatment alone to control or cure cancer. There is no magic pill or silver bullet for cancer since it’s such a multifaceted disease. All the causes need addressed, and those can be great in number and variety. The categories which can be dealt with by the individual are toxins, deficiencies, and pathogens–and to some extent hormone imbalances. Hereditary or genetic defects will likely be out of one’s control, but then again nothing is impossible, I suppose.

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