The True McDonald’s Commercial You’d Never See

McDonald’s has rolled out a new ‘transparency’ ad campaign in an attempt to sway the public into thinking the company’s food is not harmful. But if McDonald’s were truly trying to be transparent, you would see a vastly different campaign. If you want to see a much more truthful rendition of what is offered by the fast food giant, check out the comical, more honest, satire McDonald’s commercial above. You would never see it aired on TV!
The ‘transparency’ ad campaign from McDonald’s often has the viewer taken to one of the company’s factories, in which they reveal what various foods ‘are really made of.’ Actually, I just reported on one of their ads where they tell us ‘how the McRib is made.’ As you might have guessed, there are a number of ingredients found in the McRib that are not revealed by the fast food giant, many of which cause bodily harm.
Some of the other questions ‘answered’ by McDonald’s are: Is McDonald’s beef real? What’s in McDonald’s food? Is the McRib made from real pork?
You may find some answers, but you certainly won’t get everything you need to make a decision on eating the fast food or not. Check out the video above and some articles on NaturalSociety to see some more in-depth information McDonald’s would never say.
If a video such as this were aired on a mainstream network it would devastate McDonald’s. The problem is that the majority of Americans are simply unaware. Joel Salatin may have said it best,
“We don’t need a law against McDonald’s or a law against slaughterhouse abuse–we ask for too much salvation by legislation. All we need to do is empower individuals with the right philosophy and the right information to opt out en masse.” – Joel Salatin