1. Far more people are aware of the disinhibition of violent tendencies via alcohol than they are via prescription psychotropic drugs. This awareness is massively suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, there cannot be too many of these articles revealing the huge margin of unpredictability in the ingestion of psych meds.

      1. blank dobbie606 says:

        so That's why this stuff is handed out like candy to all those in the military: these are all 'kill 'em pep pills'…

  1. blank Patrick Monk.RN. says:

    Right on,
    Alcohol is the #1 legal drug linked to violence.
    "Legal" drugs, of all kinds, are probably close to the top of the list of substances responsible for violence and 'preventable' deaths not resulting from sickness and disease.
    Marijuana is probably the #1 drug, legal or illegal, NOT linked to violence.
    Follow the money and links between 'Big Pharma' and the FDA/USDA.
    Patrick Monk.RN. SF. Ca.

  2. The rumor that Adam was on Fanapt was started by A Former Federal Medical Prisoner named Jonathan Lee Riches who is known as 'the most litigious man' and was suspected for mail fraud involving James Holmes. Here is a video with some of the evidence. It has also been reported by multiple sources that the police have not found any evidence thus far that Adam was on meds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embed… So if the police are covering this up what is going on here.

  3. When I admitted myself to the mental health ward the doc said he was going to give me a med to help me sleep and gave me an order for zyprexa I just found out its an anti psychosis ! I wonder how often they say these pills are for sleeping but truly are not, it's not cool that you can't trust people who claim they want to help you.

  4. When you say "8.5 times more liked to being violent" — what do you mean? 8.5 times more violence-linked than WHAT? Not being careful about what your standard of comparison is here gives an aura of sloppy research. Thanks very much if you could clarify…

    1. I agree with Ixenia. Your reports are SO interesting and relevant, but this "8.5 times more violence linked" sounds like nothing but hot air unless you add "compared with . . . . . "

  5. blank marla mcneill says:

    so what are we to do when our children are being used as human guinea pigs…..the rehab company called value options here in arizona went out of business due to the fact they were not valid and just handing out anything to anyone…..now they are covered with another company here…..don't remember the name of it but what does department of defense have to do with applying for a job in rehabilitation in arizona…..it is called tricare and in order to apply you must have a paper from the dod????

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