Report: West Coast Children Hit With Thyroid Problems Following Fukushima

Still think that the Fukushima nuclear meltdown of 2011 never affected the United States public? Young children born in the United States West Coast, right in the line of fire for radioactive isotopes, have been found to be 28% more likely to develop congenital hypothyroidism than infants born the year before the incident.
The study followed children born in California, Alaska, Washington, Hawaii, and Oregon between 1 and 16 weeks after the horrific meltdown at Fukushima back in March 2011. Published in the Open Journal of Pediatrics by researchers affiliated with the Radiation and Public Health Project, the information further lends credence to previous documentation regarding the way in which radioactive fallout ended up on US soil.
The researchers explained how radioactive fallout affected the entirety of the US in varying degrees:
“Fukushima fallout appeared to affect all areas of the U.S., and was especially large in some, mostly in the western part of the nation,” they wrote.
Fukushima’s Effects on The US
The findings are likely no surprise to those who have been following the effects of Fukushima closely, as back in 2011 numerous reports surfaced regarding the ways in which Fukushima’s radioactive waste had made its way to the US geography in a big way.
Despite Japanese officials downplaying the incident and its real devastating health consequences, even so much as to ignore the fact that Fukushima radiation was detected in Tokyo far beyond the evacuation zone, US scientists were quick to reveal their own measurements to the scientific community.
Read: How to Boost Your Thyroid Naturally
Even as far away as Boston, highly radioactive objects known as ‘hot particles’ were detected by 2 out of 3 monitoring stations.
Scientists from UC Berkley detailed even more concerning reports following the disaster, finding the highest cesium content in topsoil for each California location was consistent. The recordings were posted online along with the date of finding:
- Sacramento, CA Topsoil on Aug. 16, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.737 Bq/kg
- Oakland, CA Topsoil on Sept. 8, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.55 Bq/kg
- Alameda, CA Topsoil on Apr. 6, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.52 Bq/kg
- San Diego, CA Topsoil on June 29, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.51 Bq/kg
- Sonoma, CA Topsoil on Apr. 27, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.252 Bq/kg
But the levels were nothing compared to what Marco Kaltofen, PE, of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) recorded from his research.
In his report presentation, entitled ‘Radiation Exposure to the Population in Japan After the Earthquake,’ Kaltofen found samples on US soil that were 108 times greater than what UC Berkley researchers were reporting.
The Fukushima radiation fallout is a major issue that we need to deal with…
But your article headline is completely FALSE.
The report states that the rate of child hypothyroidism rose by as much as 28% — this is not the same thing as "1/3 of west cost children hit with thyroid problems." Nowhere in the report is such an alarming statistic mentioned.
There is a HUGE difference between "hyperthyroidism increases by 1/3" and "1/3 of children hit by thyroid problems". You should know better.
If you're going to do important research and break key news items, don't use misleading or wildly inaccurate headlines.
correction — hypothyroidism, not hyperthyroidism.
i despise the spelling police
in this case it is very important, they are two very different diseases
ya they are, i have the hyper kind not the hypo..
Cora corrected her own post…
Who cares how its spelled its the message that is of most importance. Also the Radioactive Aerosols travel on the jet stream. It can come down as hot rain. There are lots of people who have wiped rain offof their windshield and put an inspector geiger counter on it. Its went off of the scales. Obama recieved alot of kickbacks from the nuke industry go figure. Corruption is power!
no spelling police here, hypo and hyper -thryroidism are different conditions
Correct! Hyper = overactive; hypo = under functioning. Good Catch….
the hypo kind u gain a lot of weight, and u always tired. and the hyper kind u loose a lot of weight. i know cuz i have it
Can we please send a drone to wipe that rat basterd Obama of the damn planet? This guy is such a turd, I hope there is a hell. Even if I end up in the same place, Obama has a special place there. I hope I can tourcher his retarded weak soul.
At least In this article te author didnt tranlate a 28% increase as 28% of the popultion. Do a google search if you want to see bad math causing controversey. This may be a true statisitc but theres really not enough evidence. The Hispanic population has the highest rate of congenital hypothyroidism in the US and the hispanic population has risen dramatically in the past year in California. Not saying that’s the cause either just pointing out the confounding factors in determining the cause of the “increase”. Also true that the small number of cases overall makes the statistics pretty unreliable until several years of data exist.
I kept clippings from newspapers and followed the local and world news when this happened. EVERYONE was affected by the melt down in some way or another.
Oh Yeah, the newspapers and most media NEVER Lie or exaggerate do they! Are you that naive? – Asked by a person that lived close by – to Fukushima! here’s an article from Common Dreams which happens I be a HIGHLY reputable sit so while the author may have put hyper VS hypo or what the hell ever the jist of this is no joke so wake up sleeping sheeple….
No surprise that I see more women with big Adam’s apples on West coast. has to do something with their thyroids being damaged by I-131 fallout!!