1. Thanx so much for this article, I've had a lifelong battle with Candida Albicans overgrowth, depression, foggy headedness, lethargy and very low immune system because I also suffer from Leucopenia Anemia. And now that I haven't had my gullbladder since 1996, I have a real hard time with inflammation, bloating and edema; so, I need to eat just the right balance of Organic Raw/Vegan meals.
    Please don't forget to mention, the 'Vicious Cycle' of high sugar cravings that happen after years of suffering from this yeast overgrowth condition.

    1. Every morning dring 2 glasses of ginger tea. To prepare it take 1 to 2 inch ginger root and grate it put it in tea kettle or glass jar . Pour boiling water. Let it cool to rooom temperature, add raw organic honey and squeeze lemon.
      Taking cinnamon every day helps too.

  2. I got rid of Candida Esophagitis with Extra Virgin Organic Coconut oil via oil pulling. Thought I was dying. Didn't eat for 12 days. I think I contracted it from black mold whilst residing in a basement apartment. Got rid of ALL my symptoms in 22 hours. miracle.really. I am vegan so it wasn't what I was eating. On an empty stomach, take 1 to 2 teaspoons of EVOC oil and swish around your mouth SLOWLY for 15 to 20 minutes. If you spit out the oil and it is yellow then you didn't do it long enough. must be white . rinse your mouth out and then drink a full glass of water afterward. spit into toilet not sink. This is an ancient Ayuvedic technique. Belief that the health of your mouth reflects the health of the whole body. Pulls toxins out via the bloodstream through your tongue. IT WORKS!

  3. blank Margit..Australia says:

    About 25 years ago i read books titled the Missing Diagnosis and Candida Albicans by dr crooke, i gave copies to all the doctors who misdiagnosed symptoms…..avoid all food that goes mouldy quickly, i.e. Strawberries, tomatoes, rockmelon. All yeast products such as bread etc, muhroons, vinegar or food tht has vinegar,sugar in it. Etc etc etc. The book is still avilable nd is a real eyeopener. It ll starts with over prescribing of antibiotics, pregnacy, thrush, even some toothpastes, wine and beer have been fermented ome way or another,gmo food doesnt contibute to candida unless it is one of the foods that are specific, gmo food is just bad bad news for humanity without a doubt and good news for certain business sectors and those with different agendas. People, do your research over and above even this forum, take control back of your lives. Also be aware that certain medication such as (used to br thisvparticular one ) Nizoral can cause serious liver damage which may not be recognised until it is too late. Check this out, if prescribed, again o your research.

  4. Yes, GMOs do contribute to Candida! GMOs kill the good flora in your gut because they contain herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and antibiotics. Then after they do a job on you the candida is still there taking over and turning fungal. Therefore, GMOs lead to cancer. Studies show that GMO corn with its built-in insecticide may continue to produce the same genetically altered insecticide inside of you long after you have quit eating it! No wonder the biotechs like Monsanto spend millions to keep us from getting these dirty poisons labeled! THEY are the real terrorists!

  5. blank Gertrude van Voorden says:

    When writing an article please get it right.Candida Albicans is a gutbacteria present in everyone. When other gutbacteria are being destroyed, through f.i. antibiotics use, candida albicans grows out of bounds. In time that can cause leaky gut, when it starts to become fungal and form myceliumthreads throughout your body and sometimes targeting one organ specially. At its severest it can cause death.

  6. blank Gertrude van Voorden says:

    I recently learned, that diets etc. have no effect, once myceliumthreads are formed and that you need a product, a chemical to break the chitinelayer that the mycelium has to protect it. Right now i am trying it for the first time, as for decades my candida problem has never been totally resolved and always flares up. My daughter also suffers from it and possibly my children were infected at birth. Google the internet but do not go for ridiculously expensive products as a scam is currently going on. Trying to sell you something for over 100 dollars without even telling you the ingredients. In GMO BT can be present and that possibly continues to be effective in the gut, killing healthy gutbacteria. Also in regular milk and meat there is a lot of antibiotics. In the movie Borgen 3 or 4. someone gets violently ill after eating pork, because of an allergy for a certain antibiotic. It makes a person think.

  7. blank CandidaRecovered says:

    i just wrote a nice reply, took care and recommended erica whites beat candida book, it's excellent and cured us.
    sadly cause i put a link in to it (or at least I assume that's why) it was IMMEDIATELY deleted by the admins so I can't repost it. Iv'e already wasted 10 minutes on it so all I can say is
    get the book from the library. it's a great help. and I went from hospital to healthy thanks to it.

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