1. Not to mention all-natural cancer cure laetrile (aka vitamin B17) that is found in the apple seeds. Eat the entire apple, INCLUDING THE SEEDS!

  2. I am going to assume that these apples were not organic. This surprises me because apples are on the "dirty" list due to pesticides, which are believed to be linked with cancer?

  3. Exactly Pete.Eat the seeds!
    And If you don't buy them organic,I would suggest peeling them or washing them thoroughly first.

    1. Can the seeds be swallowed intact, or do they need to be bitten into? If the former, won't they simply pass through the digestive tract?

  4. blank Energetic Advantage says:

    Thank you!!! I appreciate you taking the time to write and share this!!

  5. wow…so rumors are true…an apple a day keeps the doctor and now the oncologist away… great article this is.

  6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Or, what appears to be more accurate: An apple peel a day might help keep cancer at bay. Apples are the second most common fruit consumed in the US (bananas are the first). The peel of the apple contains a third or more of its phytochemicals. Most of the quercetin and triterpenoids are found in the peel. But don't give up on the flesh of the apple. Although it's the 'white' part that gives it a bad name, the middle of an apple has a good amount of the fiber, pectin. Your GI tract uses the pectin to produce compounds that protect colon cells. This is particularly important because your GI tract is in charge of making sure that the right compounds are transferred from into your blood. You want to keep it healthy!
    Linda — VLCNW Student

  7. I KNOW its true. my mother and aunts live to their late 80's and 90's and they eat several apples daily most of their lives (they had apple trees – 100% organic, no pesticides or…. chemicals-

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