One Comment

  1. It amazes me that parents up in Portland, Oregon are making a big thing about lead paint peeling off the walls of an old school.The school has gathered the funds and is taking care of the problem. If the parents were in the know, they would see that their children were taking calcium which will easily take lead out of the body. I wish they would stand as strong against mercury in the food and 47% to 53% mercury in amalgam fillings,
    Parents really need to get their children, and themselves off of sugar which inflames the arteries, hardens and ages them, while weakening the immune system. “I can’t understand why Johnny is sick all the time?” Or “why mom and dad are getting Dementia?”
    Another start, would be M&M’s, which the color dyes are made from coal tar, especially the blue ones. Just think, with every candy you get free petroleum!

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