1. blank Cassandra says:

    The person who originally 'misinterpreted' Scahill's article is Sylvia Ribiero of ETC environmental group, funded by the Ford Foundation. She advocates UN control over geo-engineering (chemtrails).

  2. James, NaturalSociety never reported the rumor — they simply FIXED the disinfo.

  3. Monsanto= SATAN. Once Satan has control of your food supply, you will be forced into either eating and being chipped, or starving. The good news is you can buy stock in SATAN.

    Ron Paul and Liberty 2012!

  4. blank Quahog King says:

    America says it stands for freedom, yet at every turn works openly and quietly for cenralization of any and all essential services. The people who work to advance this agenda obviously prize their paycheck more than their country's well being. Clinton began shipping jobs overseas, and twenty years of high unemployment has made America's brawny heroes into chirping toads, begging for their next payment of blood money. Ain't life grand? Even firefighters who heard multiple explosions coming from the low floors of the WTC towers on 9/11 have been silenced. Comparmentalization, bribery, job insecurity, threats, are all doing their part to keep a strong citizenry off balance and confused. Their evil plan is working, so far.

  5. I know a guy who worked for Blackwater until about four years ago who still uses a Blackwater email address. When I asked him about this, he said it's similar to students who were assigned a university-related email address, and who got to keep the email address after graduation. I call B.S. My guess is it's just one more example of how careless and unprofessional Blackwaster is–and also assume they're screening all these email accounts for 'intel'. Nonetheless, Blackwater needs to meet its end.

  6. I am all for it. If I could get hired on I would ina second to do a service for a high price.

    1. blank GUN2MOUTHcpr says:

      HA Ha Sure. Halo doesn't count son

  7. blank Rick O'Sheh says:

    @T Bagg: Easy enough. So all we need is a grassroots movement big enough to purchase the f… company.

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