1. Politicians should take advice from other countries who actualy are starting to care about the health of their citizens and get rid of all Pesticides, GMO's and ERADICATE Monsanto before it is TOO LATE!
    Instead they are advocating the use Roundup and passing laws to increase the useage of pesticides and GMO's etc.
    UNETHICAL and GREEDY is what our politicians are all about.
    How do we get rid of these politicians without getting more of the same?

    1. How do we get rid of themm.. I believe that if each of us that follow this trend were to share and educate maybe 3 of our friends and ask them to do the same… or maybe send flyers in your neighborhood arranging a meetup of sorts.. The powers behind this will not retreat without being made to.

    2. blank Isabel Cohen says:

      It's probably already too late.

  2. Here's the rub. Highly mechanized farming can only be done with large amounts of toxic chemicals. USA produces a huge export of food. Without this world wide starvation and with grain crops being converted to fuel by law, reducing food even more. Do you feed them now and poison them slowly over time? Eventually the world will ban our exports of food including meats as well as grains. To end Monsanto's strangle hold on agriculture the world will have to beg for starvation. I do not see this happening soon. But what we need is Monsanto's being sued for damage to non-GMO crops by their GMO hybrid. The lost ability to export GMO crop can create this ability. Hopefully the non-GMO seed stock will not be destroyed before this happens.

    1. I agree. Land owners should send a registered letter to Monsanto stating that they prohibit any genetically modified plants on their property and should their crops or property become contaminated by unnatural, modified and/or patented plants prosecution and seeking restitution for injury will follow. Attorneys' nor politions will do it for us. They are the problem, not the solution. I think it best to put your faith in yourself and learn court procedure yourself in court and force such curriculum to be taught in school equal in importance to math and science. Ignorance of the law is the true cause to deterioration of the greatest constitutional republic in history. Allowing foreign owned corporations to control the curriculum of our grandparents children and now our own. We must learn to apply Law and teach it to the children. Jurisdictionary, 1215 Law Notes

      1. I agree with what you say, but there are a couple of factors you may not be aware of. Monster-santo is definitely the problem. One factor is that part of the genetic modification is that the pesticide has been introduced into the seed. When the wind blows pollen from GMO crops into neighboring fields they corrupt those plants. Monsanto has sued and won because their plants were found on neighboring farms that they don't own So far I don't know of a suit they have lost with this bravado tactic. Another obstacle is the order signed on March29 that they cannot be sued. They have infiltrated all three branches of our now frozen government. I think where we can be most effictive is to find a way to re-define the rules of Congress. THey are much less powerful right now than Monsanto but they hold office because of the population of the states even tho they are riding on corporate demands with dollars. Their charge is still to listen to and act upon the needs of the people and country they have pledged to represent. I think we should impeach those who undermine what is and refuse to do anything except stand around with smug grins because they have voted themselves $174,000 a year for life and they refuse to work. There must be a way to get them ou. Then we should rewrite the rules for Congress so that their lives similair to the life most of us live. It is time for them to get off of the free ride and work, listen or get out or go to jail.

        1. the problem is more complex than this. probably the cure may cause some unwanted effects across many domains of society. this could explain the reluctance to act i.e concept of the justification of the lesser evil

  3. I agree. I wonder how the new Eu proposition to control all seeds is going to affect the Netherlands?

  4. hI guys
    I really understand the passion and the commitment behind this campaign, and I share many of your misgivings about Monsanto's activities and motivations – particularly when it comes to engineering in resistance to chemicals as a GMO priority. That is why it is important to maintain the credibility of the opposition by getting our facts right: Roundup is a herbicide NOT a pesticide. This is important particularly when you are inviting people to look at the health issues around PESTICIDES and relating this to Roundup. Secondly, so far as I am aware, there are NO organic alternatives to herbicides, unless you count hand-weeding, or weed-supressing membranes – perhaps you do. My concern about the banning of glyphosate is how we could then eradicate alien species such as Japanese knotweed which, in the UK, is causing horrendous damage to our native species. Hand-weeding this pernicious species is not an option – it is comparable to bindweed but much worse. I am all for stricter controls on such chemicals, but I am not convinced that an out-and-out ban is the best solution.

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