1. Many of us have no time to nap, and some try it but cannot sleep. For some, I suggest laying down and resting/reclining on a recliner, perhaps play soft music, then doing some stretches after getting up.

    1. This article was based upon studies done in sleep labs and discusses the types of benefits your brain gets after certain increments of sleep. Your comment is about resting when you are tired and has no basis in science or parallel to this article. What quantifiable benefit can be attained by resting the way that you suggest?

    2. No doubt many of us aren’t allowed a nap, but what you suggest does not have the same positive impact on mental capacity and awareness as actual sleep. The key from this article is knowing the sleep cycles, which is how you can plan out your naps. My suggestion would be not to attempt napping at all if you cannot work around the sleep cycles to your advantage. It is a delicate thing, you nap for too short or too long, then you risk awakening in a deeper sleep state and feeling even more tired.

  2. every time i take a nap sleep inertia hits me like a ton of bricks and last for about a hour afterward so i try to avoid naps unless i have to or i didnt sleep well the night before

  3. blank Firethorn43 says:

    I fell asleep trying to read the “FINE PRINT”

  4. What is this? A post for ants?!

  5. you can but it all becomes blurry…. It’s not a Vector image… Im with eat on this one …

  6. Smoke weed it’s gives you better nappy!I

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