1. The article says nothing about glyphosate being harmful to coral reefs. Lrn2science.

    1. blank Kyle Ness says:

      true, the warming of the ocean and hurricanes damage coral reefs and so does the illegal use of cyanide to stun and catch tropical fish that are sold in pet stores.

  2. You keep spreading this mis-information Alan. Molecules “about the same size” are still not “the same size”.Distillation DOES remove all of the fluoride from your tap water.

    1. One must remember that there are many chemicals that are found in water that will distill at a lower temperature than water. So you are no always sure what ratio you will get with distilling.

  3. blank Bris Vegas says:

    In the ocean any glyphosate will be be infinitely diluted. This means it will have no effect whatosever.

  4. blank Bris Vegas says:

    The ‘flouride’ in water is sodium monofluoroPHOSPHATE. This is a totally different chemical to sodium monofluoroACETATE (1080) used in rat poison.
    Virtually every beverage manufacturer and bottled water company removes the fluoride from water. it is a very simple process using reverse osmosis.
    Volcanoes add VASTLY more fluorine to the environment than humans.
    High levels of NATURAL occurring fluoride is found groundwater in many parts of the world.

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