Study: Raw Garlic Associated with Reduced Lung Cancer Risk

A study out of China indicates something as simple and readily available as raw garlic is associated with a reduced risk of developing lung cancer.
According to the study published in Cancer Prevention Research, raw garlic consumption 2 times or more per week is associated with lower lung cancer risk.
Researchers found that people who consumed raw garlic as part of their regular diet were 44% less likely to suffer from lung cancer than those who did not regularly consume garlic.
The research relied on data from 1,424 lung cancer patients and 4,500 healthy adults, who were surveyed on their diet and lifestyle habits, including garlic consumption, and whether or not they were smokers – a known contributor to lung cancer risk.
While raw garlic consumption at least twice weekly was associated with a whopping 44% reduced risk of lung cancer, that wasn’t even the most remarkable news from their study: Even among those who smoked, garlic consumption was associated with a 30% reduced risk.
Read: 5 Powerful Healing Properties of Garlic
The study authors wrote:
“In conclusion, a protective association between intake of raw garlic and lung cancer has been observed with a dose-response pattern, suggesting that garlic may potentially serve as a chemopreventive agent for lung cancer. Effective components in garlic in lung cancer chemoprevention warrant further in-depth investigation.”
The study also notes a “monotonic dose-response relationship,” which further supports the protective association between raw garlic consumption and lung cancer risk. This means that as the consumption of raw garlic increased, the risk of lung cancer consistently decreased. This relationship did not fluctuate; it was a steady trend in one direction – more garlic, less risk.
It’s believed the component known as allicin is related to garlic’s anti-cancer benefits. Allicin calms inflammation in the body while acting as an antioxidant and reduces damage to the cells by free radicals. Not surprisingly, this active compound is just one notable reason for garlic’s many health benefits.
While raw garlic may not sound appetizing to many, it can be sliced thinly and added to various salads and dishes without an overpowering flavor. You can also use raw garlic in dishes you would normally add cooked garlic, simply adding the garlic right before serving.
OK, here’s to raw garlic! Cut up a clove into 6 pill sized pieces, then washed them down one at a time with my thyme tea. They weren’t that bad. I have been having some respiratory problems as of late, and this is one cheap and easy remedy. I can buy great organic raw garlic for less than a dollar a clove, and one clove will last at least a week. This along with my thyme and ACV tea is already making me feel better. Love these kinds of articles!
waist a lot of tea and time washing them down one at a time, ..why wash with tea ?? LOL