We Should All be Protecting Our Deep Sea Medicine: Spirulina

With the recent very real scare surrounding the Fukushima disaster, the BP oil spill that created a dead-zone in the Gulf of Mexico the size of a small town, and an ongoing disregard for our oceans, one of the most important natural medicines we have on this planet is being depleted – spirulina.
We say stuff like this a lot, but deep sea spirulina is one of the most nutrient dense, disease-fighting foods we have access to. It is an incredible immune booster, it reduce the chance of dementia and other memory-loss diseases, and it reduces oxidative stress in the body which can cause cancer, heart disease and even diabetes. Spirulina also prevents the damage of human epithelial cells in the intestines, and reduces the environmentally-triggered carcinogenic effects on our bodies. It has effectively reduced or stopped cancers in the head, neck and intestines of human beings, and reduces our overall toxicity tremendously.
Sadly, the radiation toxicity and petroleum by-products – both of corrupt energy corporations – being dumped into our oceans means finding clean spirulina is getting more difficult. Much of spirulina is also full of pesticides due to their prolific use in agriculture, and not at all organic.
Read: Chloerlla – A Superfood Detox Wonder
Spirulina is a cyanobacteria or ‘green food’ which appears naturally in waters where there are high levels of carbonate and bicarbonate – the same components which affect coral reef viability. As our oceans become more acidic due to industrial waste, pesticide use, radiation, and petroleum, we are killing off ocean life, including abundant forms of sea food and one of the foods of sea creatures – spirulina.
There are many things you can do to try to save our oceans and subsequently sea life and the health-boosting food that is found in the ocean. They include joining organizations that speak out for the public, using less plastic and demanding that your politicians keep our precious waters clean. There has been a surge of ocean-protecting activism due to the absolute disregard for one of our most precious resources and a true source of natural medicine.
We shouldn’t have to worry about natural foods becoming so toxic that we don’t want to ingest them. Let’s work together now to save the foods for the future.
Because of Fukushima I no longer ingest anything from the Pacific though I live only a few hours from the Pacific coast in southern Mexico. I recently started taking spirolina tablets, and your article gives the impression that spirolina (or more correctly due to changes in biological nomenclature), Arthrospira, is a salt water plant. A few minute’s research reconfirmed that it is strictly a fresh water plant.
I thought Spirulina was a fresh water algae??
fresh water or sea water ?