1. blank Rachel Flanagan says:

    Yes!!! I knew this was true and now here’s the proof. Thank you for publishing the story.

  2. blank Zy Marquiez says:

    Great counter-arguments for those stating GMOs are ‘superior’.

  3. blank Joke Hoogenboezem says:

    Thanks! I have a garden in my neighboorhood on a complex with 130 other members having a garden to grow their own veggies and fruit. I made last year nice pictures of my harvest in that week to promote it on the new coming website. I do it organic and it was my second year and I had a great harvest very nice tomatoes and gourgettes and other veggies on the table. One of the members of that complex told me I had to remove the harvest picture because he did not believe it was my own harvest! It was looking to good to be true. Big compliment for me, because it was really my own harvest. Just showing I am on the good way to grow my own veggies!! Proof that organic is great and working for me better as GMO. I use only organic material to put back in the soil and my own compost. I use my own seeds and also if I need to buy heirloom seeds.

  4. “One organic rooftop farm can feed 9000 people” — What!? Over 9000?
    The minimum amount of agricultural land necessary for sustainable food security, with a diversified diet similar to those of North America and Western Europe (hence including meat), is 0.5 of a hectare per person. [FAO, 1993]
    Oki now let’s say we take a quarter of an hectare (0.25) because we are vegetarian and very optimistic. This is my calculation:
    sqrt(9000 people * 10000m2 * 0.25)
    You will need a rooftop of about 5 kilometers/3 miles on each side… Does such a huge building exist on earth? If you want people to trust you article maybe don’t start with such ridiculous statement?

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