1. blank Undecider says:

    How about banning non-stick, rubber and plastic in the kitchens?

  2. blank Sock Monkey says:

    They should start making the utensils from hemp.

  3. Don’t you just love these band aid fixes. There are corporations and big businesses that are contributing more to the pollution problem and nothing is done about them. For shame.

  4. This is a good idea. Looking at the islands of plastic garbage floating around the ocean, there can’t be too many of these policies enacted. Its just too bad countries in Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East aren’t doing more.

  5. blank thearmourofGod says:

    The Regressive way: fabricate, lie, deceive, embellish and then dictate and ban.

  6. blank West of 1 says:

    Not sure why single-use plastic bags for fruit and produce are plentiful at my supermarket while the larger carry-out bags at the check-out stand are prohibited. If I was a cynic, I’d think that eco-zealots want to stick it to the public, while maintaining convenience for themselves.

    I’m not complaining, though, as I use them to dispose my cat’s product.

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