Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Vitamin D

It is believed that up to 350,000 people in the United States have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). Each week, around 200 new cases are diagnosed. But scientists may have found an easy solution to help in the prevention of this disastrous disease. Thankfully, overcoming multiple sclerosis may be as easy as soaking up some sun – or taking some supplements of good ol’ vitamin D.
Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with a Vitamin
MS is an autoimmune disease; it affects the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. While symptoms vary widely from person to person, many people with MS suffer from muscle weakness, spasms, and cramping, problems walking, speech difficulties, hearing and vision loss, memory loss, pain, and depression.
A group of Canadian and British scientists have found hope for people who have yet to be diagnosed in the form of vitamin D. This vitamin— obtained naturally through the sun, through fortified food and supplements— is said to affect the gene that increases MS risk, ultimately helping individuals in overcoming multiple sclerosis.
This isn’t the first time vitamin D and multiple sclerosis have been linked. And because there is no clear cause of the disease—medical professionals, scientists, and patients alike will take any new revelations as progress.
A gene variant, known as DRB1*1501, significantly increases your chances of developing MS. According to the BBC:
“While one in 1,000 people in the UK is likely to develop MS, this number rises to around one in 300 among those carrying a single copy of the gene variant – known as DRB1*1501 – and one in 100 of those carrying two copies.”
Vitamin D activates proteins in the body. These proteins are found to bind to a DNA sequence next to the gene, changing how it functions.
The study indicates that vitamin D may be key to overcoming multiple sclerosis, as the vitamin deficiency could lead to multiple sclerosis.
So, how can you increase vitamin D consumption?
- Get some sun every day. Remember to go outside while the sun is strongest, and don’t shower after bathing in the sun as the vitamin D will essentially wash off.
- Eat salmon. (Salmon is the richest natural food-source of vitamin D)
- Take a supplement if you don’t think you are getting enough through your diet and sun exposure.
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What about cannabis? It's also been proved to be the best combatant against MS
No clear reason for Multiple sclerosis has been established yet several links to multiple sclerosis have been made –> Has anyone measured the stomack's acide levels for theses people ? ( low acidity means lower than normal absorbtion of nutrients . How about sodium fluoride ? or about the devestating effects of laurel sulftates previously a major ingrediant in toothpastes ??
Iara, you really are the "Tool of the Day"!!!
It is interesting to read that the DRB1*1501 gene is regulated through Vitamin D.
DRB1*1501 is actually a so called HLA class II molecule, which is is member of the specialized proteins involved in the regulation of immune responses. Now, MS is an autoimmune response, meaning that the immune system of MS patients recognizes certain self-proteins, which it shouldn't recognize. It is also known that Vitamin D3 is negatively regulating immune responses in general, maybe through the down-regulation pf these HLA class II molecules. Interesting stuff 🙂