Oil Pulling Benefits – What is Oil Pulling, Anyway?

Most people are at least aware of the idea behind eating certain foods, exercising, and avoiding toxic chemicals to maintain overall health. Indeed, consuming powerful, health-boosting foods and avoiding unhealthy junk is a great way to stay healthy, but there are also some very specific techniques which can be utilized to achieve numerous health benefits. Among these techniques is a lesser known one called oil pulling. What is oil pulling, anyway – and what are the oil pulling benefits?
What is Oil Pulling, Anyway?
Used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is an Indian remedy used primarily to enhance oral health and cleanse the body. Thankfully, the process of oil pulling is actually quite simple, harmless, and very inexpensive. Simply take one tablespoon of a pure, organic oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Move the oil around your mouth through sipping, sucking, and essentially pulling through your teeth. After rinsing, spit out the oil, thoroughly rinse your mouth out with water, and consume 2-3 glasses of water (purified if possible).
During this process, the oil mixes with the saliva, creating a thin, white liquid. Swishing activates the enzymes, and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. More specifically, lipids in the oil help to extract toxins from the saliva of the mouth. As you swish the oil around your mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue, the oil continues to absorb toxins while later turning thick and white. At this point, the oil becomes toxic; this is why spitting the oil out instead of swallowing it is an important last step, as you don’t want to reabsorb the toxins. While you can do this process anytime during the day, it is most beneficial upon rising, before eating or brushing your teeth.
While some individuals have had some success by using oils such as coconut and olive, the most popular and effective oils by far to use for oil pulling are sesame and sunflower.
Oil Pulling Benefits
As mentioned, the primary reasons for oil pulling is to remove bacteria, parasites and other toxins from your teeth and mucus membranes, and detoxify. One study showcases the oil pulling benefits on the oral level, where oil pulling with sesame oil was shown to reduce the amount of streptococcus mutans in both teeth plaque and mouth saliva, and boost overall health. Another study also shows how oil pulling can result in a significant reduction in total bacteria count.
As reported by Dr. Group of Global Healing Center, oil pulling benefits on an oral level also include:
- Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws.
- Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis.
- Prevention of overall tooth decay
- Prevention for bad breath
- Potential holistic remedy for bleeding gums
- Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth and throat.
- Possible holistic treatment for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw area.
In addition to the benefits of oil pulling surrounding oral health, this ancient therapy also has a number of positive effects on the body. According to an article previously published on The Hindu Business Online (but seems to have been moved or removed), one doctor, Dr. F. Karsch, M.D., presented a paper to the All-Ukrainian Association outlining rather incredible possibilities oil pulling is capable of.
Going by Dr. Karsch, oil pulling benefits can help with almost any illness or chronic condition, including:
- Mouth & gum disease
- Stiff joints
- Allergies
- Asthma
- High blood sugar
- Constipation
- Migraines
- Bronchitis
- Eczema
- Heart, kidney, lung diseases
- Leukemia
- Arthritis
- Meningitis
- Insomnia
- Menopause (hormonal issues)
- Cancer
- Chronic infections
- Varicose veins
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Cracked heels
- Acne
- Bronchitis
- Dermatitis
- Sinusitis
- Much more
Whether you choose to use oil pulling to help treat other conditions or not, the benefits of oil pulling surrounding oral health and detoxification certainly make the therapy worthwhile. And excitingly, you now are one of the few people who know the answer to: what is oil pulling, anyway?
Additional Sources:
This is interesting.Will any vegetable oil suffice?Thank you for this article.
read the aricle before you make stupid comments.
Good thing we have such helpful and courteous people like you here, Nathan. I couldn't possibly imagine anyone leaving a more helpful comment than you.
screw you Nathan. Maybe you shouldn't make stupid comments so you don't look like the jack ass of the thread, good job buddy. Susmita: any oil technically will work, but sunflower and sesame are some of the most popular, and according to wikipedia coconut oil is proclaimed as the best to use for this purpose. No thanks to Nathan the douchebag for this answer. He is prompt to comment on this thread with his attitude, but gives you nothing of value.
use sesame oil . better if you could find cold pressed organic variety
I tried this – for a number of months, as did my wife. It left us both ill and weak. I think it's dangerous.
ou should try coconut oil for oil pulling.
hahah… ill and weak huh? maybe you should check out your food sensitivities.. although I don't think that's the problem maybe ignorance or maybe you weren't rinsing out your mouth well enough with salt water and drinking lots of water afterwards to help aid in the cleansing process.
Uh were you swallowing the oil aftewards instead off spitting it out?
Do either of you have filling or cavities- this will indeed have ill effects- it will extract the mercury or other amalgams into your mouth.
I have a mouth full of fillings and 2 crowns. Is something i can still do with all of these?
Removes some forms of dental pains immediately from personal experience.
This should be done with coconut oil only – not just "any vegetable oil". The properties in coconut oil can work wonders. I have used coconut oil for a lot of different purposes and take a few tablespoons daily in my morning coffee. I've effortlessly lost weight without any exercising or doing anything special other than using it in my coffee.
Did you not read the article? It says the best to use is sunflower or sesame.
@Linda: Please let us know how this is working out, I see you posted 6/11/2012 – if you have been OP'g regularly with coconut oil you should have some results by now – good/bad/indifferent.
mark do you think it might have been better with a different oil, what boil did you use?
what oil did you use Mark?
ya its really breakthrough therapy of being healthy.iam doing its since 15 years.
Is this an alternative to brushing your teeth? This method of oral health would certainly help avoid exposure to fluoride.
I would just use a fluoride free toothpaste or make your own toothpaste. It isn't an alternative to brushing your teeth but it'll definitely help a lot.
I’ve been using a tablespoon of sesame seed oil 1-2 each day for the past two weeks. My teeth are whiter than they’ve ever been in over two decades.
Temperatures are in the 80’s and 90’s. This is enough to get me to sweat when I’m outside working in the garden, but now it’s without that wonderful ‘locker room’ fragrance, and the mild case of athletes feet is gone too. I can only attribute all of my good fortune to oil pulling with sesame seed oil.
When I finish the bottle, I’ll switch to coconut oil to discover how well this works.
I been oil pulling for about a month now. I do notice that my gums don't bleed and look healthy. I did have only one side effect ,a temp that was around 101.8 which only last for one day without the running nose,sore thoat or headache. I read when toxins are removed from the body there are some adverse effects . Even with the fever I was still able to function as normal and did not feel sick. I also notice that I sleep better and losing weight.
hey yvette what oil are you using n are you yvette devoe
Started this off and on for a while now I'm really keeping a good routine for the last 3 days. Ive noticed whiter shinier teeth. I think when you start mentioned in another article about oil pulling some of your symptoms may get worse before getting better. And when using coconut oil its a bit stronger and you shouldn't start with that oil. I'm hoping it'll help relieve my migraines tooth sensitivity and whatever else it might do to help my conditions.
Does anyone know if its also recommended to take fermented cod liver oil and raw butter while doing this? I read that somewhere else…. its what kept me from starting sooner because I thought you needed to do it all together. Thanks for any feedback.
This is serious stuff. Any non toxic oil will work. The better the oil the better it works (use the best you have). Fillings may loosen (I had several) as the underlying crap gets dissolved and or dislodged. Plaque levels will improve as the oil seems to reduce them. Brushing the teeth with TeaTree Oil (2 drops) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has proved to be flouride free and effective. Brush and rinse with 3% H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) once or twice a week.
Ever since I've been "Oil Pulling" I noticed positive results immediately! I'm using 'organic unrefine sesame oil' and can't wait to experience other oils later. Seeking natural alternatives to treat health issues is something I always preferred. Educating and experiencing goes hand in hand….you won't know how beneficial it can be unless you personally try it yourself.
This is really helpful and interesting I'd like to try this.
Yeh Nathan your a prick
Is this supposed to be done for a certain period of time, as a cure, or endlessly?
I have never heard of it, but will definitely try it.
Appreciative of an answer.
From what I've heard it is supposed to be done endlessly. The first few days will be the worst because of the toxins being removed. You could also do it several times a week if you don't want to do it everyday.
can oil pulling help in vascular headache and trigiminal neuralgia
Does your mouth fill up with saliva? How do you hold it all in your mouth for 20 minutes?
I read the paper,make the beds,do household chores,etc.20 minutes goes by in a flash when you preoccupy yourself
I have a mouthful of fillings and two crowns. Is this something I can still do ?
I haven't tried it yet but my parents both do and my dad has fillings, crowns, and caps but I don't thing he does it for 20 minutes. My mom has fillings and does it from 10-30 minutes.
i do this 1st thing in the morning with sesame oil. I don't brush after that as I don't feel need for it. Its important to clean your tongue with tongue cleaner after this as most of the oil/residue will get placed on the tongue….use warm water to rinse ya mouth after this and you're good to go..
after i started oil pulling besides having cleaner teeth i have noticed that my teeth have strengthened and now i am able to chew without the pain. i would definitely recommend oil pulling.
Been doing this for a month now, initial changes …. on pimples around my chin are all gone, despite the normal monthly period. I would normally have acne issues few days before my period comes and this time, it had not come, facial skin is better, and I terrific of it, is that am wearing braces and each morning for me to wake up to some uncomfortable smell and taste in my mouth but now is different. I wake up, go straight and gurgle for 20mins of sesame oil …gurgle back with water and after a while brush my teeth …so refreshing 🙂
Thank you for sharing 🙂
Oil pulling is a great toxin remover but if you have a mouth full of silver filling like I do you should probably consider changing them out. For the past 20 years I’ve had chronic fatigue and other ailments which is probably a direct result of the mercury fillings. I finally have the courage to have them replaced since they seem to be breaking down. New filling no longer have mercury. I’m on the road to better health and am very excited.
New silver fillings don’t or just the white ones? I have both and eventually want to replace the silver with white but don’t have money to and it’s only been in a few years…maybe 6?
I have been oil pulling just with olive oil and it works great, I pull for 15-20mins each night cause I don’t have time in the morning and I top it off by rinsing thoroughly then brushing my teeth with a clean toothbrush with no toothpaste!!! on my first pull I had whiter teeth but now its amazing! Also my acne has improved and so has my general health!!! Amazing!!!!!!!
I love you laura
why not just call it oil rinsing? Everyone in the world will understand that.
It sounded strange to me at first but I love oil pulling with coconut oil. I do it while I'm showering and getting ready in the morning. My teeth are whiter and the white coating on my tongue has disappeared.
Job to find a flouride free toothpaste nowadays
Right? When I first saw this, my first thought was that it was some kind of DIY method for pulling your teeth out using oil.
I have been doing the oil pulling for what appears to be an abscess in one of my teeth.
It worked wonders once before so I’m hoping this will avoid a trip to the dentist.
It will work if you use sesame seed oil. I’ve been oil pulling for over a year and I alternated between coconut and sesame seed. I had an abscess that I wanted to treat naturally and because of my preference for coconut, I wanted that to be my main option. When I used coconut, there was relief and some healing but the infection didn’t completely go away. I finally changed to sesame seed oil and did it 3 times/day for two days and the abscess completely healed. I now use sesame seed oil daily. I use coconut oil for many other things.
Gums stopped bleeding and losing weight
I’ve been doing oil pulling for a few months, with organic coconut oil from trader joes..it def whitened my teeth, makes my mouth feel clean and fresh, but i have lost a teeny white filling, which was up near my gumline. the first week i used it i could feel the “edge” of the filling, like the stuff around it that was filling the cracks came out…but i wont’ stop doing this, it kept me from catching flu/cold from customers all winter…definitely DO SPIT IN TRASH, and then i use tongue scraper/cleaner afterwards, you won’t believe how much stays stuck in tongue/mouth. a very healthy habit, and i’ve learned to set a timer for 20 minutes, so that i’m consistent…use the same spoon in my coffee afterwards, to add a hint to my coffee for health!
Can you use extra virgin olive oil?
Hello Linda, I’d just like to say that ingesting that much oil (in your coffee) & losing weight due to it may not be as good a thing as it sounds. What’s happening is that basically everything is sliding right through you without properly metabolized and absorbed. So that means that the vital nutrients that you get from healthy foods, vitamins, and even any medications being taken are being just passed through. Like a slide instead of a latter where each rung matters and has a role.
It sounds like you & your husband are trying to be very health conscious which is great, but you know what they say about too much of a good thing.
I think the oil pulling (without ingesting after) is a very good practice, but the over-consumption of it could have some very negative effects to your body.
Also even though weight is being lost, you could be gaining arterial plaque at a much higher rate as well as an increase in cholesterol. These are the invisible things that you won’t see in the mirror, but as I’m sure you know those 2 things I mentioned are HUGE.
Perhaps you could tweak your nutrition by speaking to a nutritionist (a real one, not a weight loss representative of some “buy our product and…” The person should be selling nothing other than their time & knowledge.
which oil do you use for oil pulling?
Question regarding Coconut water…
I like brown coconut raw and buy them whole to munch on the nut meat. The last one I bought had a warning on the label “DO NOT DRINK THE WATER”, meaning the coconut water. Anyone have an idea why this warning is there ?
I live in Calif. and most of the produce is from Mexico. I purchase this from Wal-Mart and they are notorious for not listing organic… ( try to find someone who isn’t the next Mark Dice interviewer to answer questions about their food, or for that fact, try to find someone. )
At the age of 23, I have never had a single filling or bad dentist trip in my life. I grew complacent and convinced myself that I didn’t need to rush my teeth every day for them to stay healthy. Sometimes I would go a whole week without brushing or rinsing out my mouth. But because I never had any problems and my teeth remained fairly white (more like pearl), I didn’t bother to change my bad habits. But earlier tonight I was messing with a sharp ridge in my bottom left molar and when I looked in the mirror, discovered it was a hole! D: And the interior was dark. I don’t know if the darkness is decay or shadow since I’ve never had this before. I’m panicking now because losing a tooth is one of my worst nightmares. All I have at home is coconut oil and generic commercial toothpaste. Would I be better off brushing my teeth with or without the toothpaste? Because I’ve heard that regular toothpaste is probably just as bad for you. But If I brush them with nothing on my brush at all, it would at least get the surface bacteria off right? Until I get some baking soda of course. I need some helpful input. What can I brush my teeth with until I have the ingredients to make my own remineralising toothpaste?
It probably detaches bacteria because it is acting as a solvent; those bacteria probably have some hydrophobic structures on their outer membranes / cell walls, that creates a slight pulling force, or it’s dissolving bio-film (perhaps why tea tree oil works, as it contains turpenoids – think turpentine).
The enzymes aren’t normally present in oil (possibly in cold pressed oils there are some enzymes). Enzymes catalyze reactions; they don’t remove, or store toxins (technically an enzyme could break down a toxin, but that is more esoteric, and likely doesn’t apply here).
The oil is becoming white because it is emulsifying (turning into tiny droplets, suspended in the water based saliva).
That isn’t to say that the oil isn’t pulling fat soluble toxins from the blood, or the mouth; it may be, however the oil turning white isn’t proof of this.
I’d be wary if you had a fever; your body producing a fever state is generally only in response to pathogens, as it is the body using inflammation to get blood to show up (so that white blood cells will kill off the infection). Either the bacteria got overfed, or something was contaminated.
Oil is very energy dense, so I’d make sure you clean your mouth well first. Triclosan is a potent anti-biotic, but is a pesticide (and so one of the toxins you are trying to remove).
As [28.] Adele Lagaret said on the top I have to repeat:
Educating and experiencing goes hand in hand….you won’t know how beneficial it can be unless you personally try it yourself.