Nutrition and Diet: Food Ingredients, Labels, and More
Welcome to our nutrition and diet page, where you can learn about what you’re really eating. If you’re seeking guidance on meal planning, exploring dietary trends, or aiming to learn about nutrients in food so that you can make informed food choices, you are in the right place. We are always improving this page – so be sure to check back often.
80% of Americans Exposed to Fertility-Ruining Pesticides in Oat-Based Foods
A concerning discovery has been made regarding the presence of a chemical pesticide, chlormequat, in oat-based foods available in the U.S.
FDA: Children’s Applesauce PURPOSELY Contaminated with Heavy Metals
The FDA believes certain brands of children’s applesauce have been intentionally contaminated with heavy metals lead chromate.
Virus-Resistant GMO Pork Inches Closer to Human Consumption Amidst Consumer Uncertainty
Virus-resistant pork from genetically modified pigs could soon be served as your next meal. Are you ready for GMO bacon?
Zinc “Crucial” for Improving Blood Sugar Regulation for Diabetics
Good news for diabetics. A meta analysis suggests zinc supplementation plays a crucial role in enhancing blood sugar control.
96,000 Pounds of Mislabeled Kraft Hot-Dogs Recalled for Allergen Risks
Kraft has admitted to mislabeling some 96,000 pounds of hot dogs, posing a health risk for those who suffer from milk allergies.
GM Salmon, Genetic Engineering of Farm Animals to Arrive in Summer 2013 Despite Public Opposition
By summer of 2013, the U.S. is expected to allow genetically modified salmon and allow for genetic engineering in farm animals for human consumption.
Organic Food Has Lower Pesticide Residues, Study Affirms
A recent study confirms that eating organic food is a smart way to reduce your pesticide exposure when compared with traditionally grown produce.
8 Superfoods You Should Eat This Season
Many traditional autumn favorites – or spring and summer for those in the Southern hemisphere – have superfood status – here are 8 of those superfoods.
Steps for Avoiding this Cancer-Causing Substance in Cooked Foods
Did you know that cooking your food may produce a cancer-causing substance? The FDA has issued an action plan for reducing exposure to this carcinogen.
Supplementary Calcium, Not Dietary, Linked to Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are considered by many to be one of the most painful health conditions you may ever experience. Conventional medical protocol for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis typically…