New Chapter Supplement Company Bought by Monsanto-Linked Proctor & Gamble

New Chapter, a vitamin and supplement company offering worthy products since 1892, has recently been bought out by mega-corporation Proctor & Gamble. Being the owner of chemical laden, toxic products such as Cascade dish-washing soap, Tide laundry detergent, Pringles potato chips, and Bounce dryer sheets, it is evident that Proctor and Gamble is less than a trustworthy and caring company. To add further concern regarding Proctor & Gamble’s place in our society, you may be interested to know that Proctor & Gamble shares the same institutional owners as biotech giant Monsanto.
While customers of New Chapter should be reasonably alarmed and concerned over this new owner of New Chapter, the co-founder of New Chapter is rather excited about the change.
“For us, this has been a dream come true. This is what we have been wanting to do since we started doing this 30 years ago. The world and the United States need this. This has to happen…We have endured an era in which health foods were considered an oddity and the scientific community uniformly dismissed the notion of herbal therapeutics…We have stood firm and played our part to assist in a cultural shift, and now we celebrate a time when natural foods products are in virtually every mass market chain and pharmacy,” New Chapter co-founder Paul Schulick says.
Although Schulick’s stated goal of offering the world quality health supplements free of health-damaging substances is commendable, is seeking and accepting the involvement of a corrupt corporate giant really acceptable? The quality of New Chapter’s products will undoubtedly be compromised by such a corporate fuse, with P&G’s poor record of health-devastating products enough to raise the alarm. Truthfully, the teaming up of nutritional supplement companies and corporations like P&G is the last thing the world and United States needs.
Of course there are further connections to be made leading to the distrust of P&G and those affiliated with the company. It turns out that P&G has the same exact top shareholders, Vanguard and State Street Corporation, as biotech giant Monsanto! Furthermore, Proctor & Gamble’s CFO is also on the Board of Directors of Monsanto. Monsanto has been shown to be so destructive to the environment and humans that thousands of individuals agreed that Monsanto is the worst company of 2011 — and the company’s newly found title will undoubtedly stretch for years on end. To be associated with P&G, which is strongly affiliated with a company like Monsanto, is a suicide decision as far as targeting health-conscious individuals go. New Chapter will have to face this unfortunate reality.