1. Some chemicals can trigger central sleep apnea, where you stop breathing even if your throat is still open. Sulfite, sulfate, and other sulfur chemicals can do this. The Feingold Diet, an all natural diet which helps people reduce hyperactivity and other symptoms, has a list of chemicals that can trigger symptoms and a list of foods and other products that they are in. Sulfur chemicals are often used as preservatives in snack foods and other packaged foods, and sometimes on fruits to preserve the color – you might see the ingredient 'sulfur dioxide' in a package of dried fruits. Sodium lauryl sulfate in shampoo and conditioner can also trigger sleep apnea if you go to bed with your hair wet and some of the shampoo or conditioner is still in your hair – these chemicals go directly through the skin.

  2. I started taking magnesium supplements a week ago for some other health problems and I am here to vouch for its health benefits. I have yet to find out if it has begun helping my snoring and mild apnea, but I urge everyone reading this to begin taking it, it has cured me of acid reflux, muscle cramps, and gives me an added sense of well being.

  3. I would LOVE to find a natural way to stop my apnea. I already take magnesium and will now add Vitamin D to the mix. Funny, I've always been drawn to the aroma of Lavender. My body might know intuitively that lavender is good for it, who knows. By the way I am not even close to being overweight.

  4. Breathe right strips worked wonders for me

  5. blank Jay Jones says:

    What about natural remedy’s for central sleep apnea? I already take Vit C and Vit D. I have been using a Bi-pap machine for 5 months, but because the pressure is so high I have a problem with leakage from the mask. I’-m sleeping longer (7hrs vs 4 hrs and don’t have the afternoon drowses anymore. I don’t like the idea of being tied to a machine for the rest of my life. Do you have any suggestions?

  6. Getting tonsils and adenoids removed at a young age is a great preventative, also, have an ENT doctor check for polyps. My father in law had some removed.

  7. could the aluminum disc in the humidifier chamber of the cpap machine cause toxicity?

  8. Thank you for sharing this information. This will help a lot of people and good thing that they are people who don't stop on researching and studying on what makes people cure.

  9. Jay, did you get any natural cure and did it work for you ?
    – just diagnosed with central apnea

  10. Same here, not overweight and never have been. I have tongue obstruction. Post menopause also contributes to sleep apnea. Plus I had teeth pulled and braces as a teenager, this can cause a smaller airway as the jaw recedes over time. (Book; “Sleep Interrupted”, by Dr. Steven Parks, ENT.)

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