National Standard Levels of Fluoride Still Cause Nervous System Damage to Children

For many countries, the allowable level of fluoride in drinking water is 1.5mg/l. This is an arbitrary number that has never been proven to be safe. In fact, even trace amounts of fluoride have been shown to be ‘a functional liability to the nervous system.’
The CDC states that the “EPA’s enforceable standard for fluoride in public water supplies is 4.0 milligrams per liter,” but this far exceeds any safe amount of fluoride that we should be drinking.
In a Russian study translated to English by, titled The Effect of Small Quantities of Fluorine on the Human Body, we learn that not only do these levels of fluoridation cause nervous system damage, but children were more likely to suffer from endemic fluorosis. This is a malady that can:
“. . .lead to a variable degree of locomotor disability, ranging from simple mechanical back pain to severe, crippling, combined locomotor and neurological impairment. In endemic areas, a substantial proportion of the population may be affected, posing a severe public health problem. In some areas, the hazards to human health are not fully appreciated and are under-reported. The maximum impact is felt in those communities engaged in physically strenuous activities, either agricultural or industrial. The need of these often isolated communities in economically hard-pressed countries, for the provision of low-fluoride drinking water remains a hope rather than an expectation at the present time.”
The Russian study came to the conclusion that low concentrations of fluorine in drinking water (1.5mg/l) cause changes to developing tissues, and harms the development of ‘higher neural activity in humans and animals.’
Read: 7 Tools for a Whole Body Fluoride Detox
The authors state that “Materials from our observations indicate that a fluorine concentration of 1.5 mg/l in the water is not indifferent to health.”
“Generalization of the results of clinical, physiological and experimental research leads to the conclusion that low concentrations of fluorine in drinking water (1.5 mg/l) cause changes not only in the mineralized tissues (mottling of enamel, acceleration of synostosis processes), but also in the higher neural activity in humans and animals. Materials from our observations indicate that a fluorine concentration of 1.5 mg/l in the water is not indifferent to health.
This has been noted by other authors as well (H. Strauss, G.N. Krasovsky, M.A. Roshal, et al). The clinical, physiological and experimental studies, as well as developments in the defluorination of drinking water, provide a basis for raising the question of reducing the hygienic standards for fluorine in drinking water, as recommended by GOST 2874-541.”
In the same manner that the World Health Organization is finally telling the truth about the herbicide glyphosate, we can hope that a similar truth about fluoride will finally spread throughout the world. Fortunately, many countries already do not allow fluoride in public water supplies, so maybe the US will soon follow (especially when research shows fluoride doesn’t even prevent cavities).