Mother Nature Sticks It to Monsanto with Drought

While a drought doesn’t help organic farmers either, Monsanto’s net income for it’s fiscal third quarter of this year has slipped by 3 percent due to a lower yield of crops like cotton and soybean. The higher production costs from last year’s drought were to blame in a release issued by the company this past Wednesday, remarking on a smaller contribution from its Brazilian soybean business. Last year, the company enjoyed a bumper crop and increased earnings of 17 percent due to an early Spring which inspired farmers to sow their crops early and in larger numbers.
Monsanto shares fell almost a dollar on last Wednesday’s stock market tick, and with this news, and it proves that even corporate giants who rake in more than $4.25 billion a year while poisoning people all over the world with their Roundup Ready crops are not immune to Mother Nature.
Analysts were expecting a much larger earnings per share, but can they really depend on high crop yields as more people, including farmers, learn of the health and environmental hazards of GMO crops?
Big Agriculture and Big Pharma – companies like Monsanto, and Dow – don’t need a single extra dollar from investors. The scientific reports are coming out all over the world that prove genetically altered corn, soybeans, cotton, wheat, and more, are tainted goods causing infertility, weight gain, tumor development, and so much more.
Every food ‘trend,’ dies, even fried pickles. Monsanto has been colluding with government organizations for decades (making their ploy anything but a trend and more like an evil scientist’s life-long dream to rule the world) to try to take over the global food supply.
The company has ironically named drought and unavoidable weather patterns as part of the reason we need to rely on GMO to feed a growing population, but even holier-than-thou Monsanto suffers stock loss when crops are affected by the absence of rain.
Bankrupt? Not sure of that… to much money and power involved… government will bail them out 🙁
That's what everyone said about the tobacco companies and look how far down the tubes they went when people finally woke up and they are still going down as more and more people quit smoking . GMO will die but as with tobacco it may take a long time to kill . I remember the adds big tobacco had ( more doctors smoke camels , get a promotion give your boss a menthol ) they thought they were too big to go down too , just like biotec . Like smoking we are the ones that have to quit the product to kill the company .
Monsanto is destroying God's creation.
They are not going bankrupt the farmers like their products too much – it saves them masses of insecticide costs.Raises yields. why do you think the majority of farmers buy their seed if it is available.
look up gmoevidence"dot"com, all the evidence you need is right there to basically deep six these inferior products forever.
I agree from my extensive research gmo is death to humanity after much physical pain from illness of course. People need to do their research and spread the word that it is the survival of humanity at stake.
they don't need government subsidies to survive. every seed court case even the ones that get to the supreme court they win because they are legally in the right – 3 billions acres planted, 16 years used and not a single human and animal problem
Nobody wants to hear. I work in the environmetal field of HAZ MAT clean up, and even the scientist types don’t want to hear about this information. I think people’s ignorance is bliss, and am right because I’m stressed out with all the news I know about. It seems everyone is just carrying on as if nothing is happening. Why haven’t we impeached Obama yet? Have we all lost our minds!? This dude is paper thin he’s so see through. Rediculous.