Moringa Health Benefits – The Superfood You Don’t Know About

In the world of nutrition and natural health, there are some foods that come out of nowhere and then BAM – one day it’s all you hear about. One of those foods is Moringa, often referred to as the Miracle Tree. But unlike some of the hyped up trend-foods of years past, there really are some benefits worth noting when it comes to this one. Without further ado, here are some of the many unknown moringa benefits.
Praised for its medicinal value and ability to purify the body while boosting energy levels, Moringa oleifera, is native to the Himalayas of India. Currently, it’s growth is most prevalent in Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. But it’s effects are being felt around the world.
Thanks to it’s powerful nutritional profile, which includes nine essential amino acids, protein, and a number of vitamins and minerals, the Moringa tree is becoming known as the next “superfood”. Nearly all of the tree is edible; the bark, flowers, and roots all offer some sort of use or benefit to humans or animals.
Moringa Benefits
It’s difficult to find a report online concerning the benefits of this tree from someone who isn’t involved in trying to turn a profit—and that’s the way it usually goes with these new superfoods. However, if you are willing to dig a bit deeper, there is evidence that this plant has the potential to kill bacteria and parasites, fight diabetes, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation throughout the body.
The leaves of the moringa tree contain:
- More vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin C boosts the body’s immune system, prevents free radical damage, is essential for unborn child development, and protects the body overall.
- More vitamin B3 than peanuts. Vitamin B3 helps reduce atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), helps lower the risk of numerous conditions like Alzheimer’s, and cataracts.
- More vitamin A than a carrot. Vitamin A promotes healthy eyesight, boosts the immune system, and harnesses anti-infection properties.
- As much as 25 times more iron than in spinach. Iron promotes brain function, carries oxygen throughout the body, and is needed for those suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
- More than 4 times the fiber of oats. Fiber is essential for proper digestion.
Even the seeds contain up to 40% of an oil known as Ben Oil, known to be similar to olive oil in antioxidants and nutritional value, but this sweet, clear oil could realistically last forever—it never turns rancid.
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Cultivated in poor nations as a primary source of nutrition, the food is being touted as an answer to hunger and malnutrition as well as being fed to cattle.
Again, one of the best things about this tree is how easy it is to grow. If you are fortunate enough to live in the southern or western regions of the United States, you may even be able to grow it yourself. It doesn’t like the cold, so if you are unsure, plant it in a large pot and bring it indoors over the winter to protect it from freezing.
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You can also get it fresh in the produce isle in some stores that carry ethnic products. That way you can cook with it or dehydrate it and turn it into powder or tea yourself.
Peb If you have facebook. Look up "The Moringa, The Better," they are very helpful. Jeannie Cotton is so into moringa. She lives by it! That's all I think about is moringa sometimes.
The information is a bit misleading (as well as how this is marketed in many products, especially MLM ones)
The facts may be true – gram per gram. One capsule typically amounts to a gram of Moringa… When was the last time you consumed one gram of Orange? The average weight of an orange is 200 grams – So you would need to compare to 200 capsules of Moringa.
I think the point is that it is denser nutrition than an orange, any way you measure it. Personally, I have never taken it to mean that one capsule has more nutrition than an entire orange. To explain that out seems to be condescending, imo. Anyone who cares to take care of their bodies can usually do simple math, but if not, it's not misleading anyone to encourage even them to take Moringa. (It's not just for smart people.)
It is considered ounce for ounce, and that’s why we make that comparison on our website and literature. The same goes for ORAC values, which are calculated per 100g. Generally the highest ORAC values are for spices, but you’re not going to consume 100g of cinnamon. Moringa has an ORAC value of 62,000 up to 140,000 or 150,000 if you are using fresh samples. Without reading into it and understanding how numbers can be manipulated, it is easy to be confused by what you’re taking.