1. blank wonderin why says:


    Changing a printimg plate.

    Please explain what is costly about this?

    Because I'm wonderin why.

  2. If you look up EVIL in the dictionary, Monsanto is the first word you should see!

  3. blank Eliot W. Collins says:

    I am seeing more and more products labeled non-GMO, and these are the ones that I am buying. Voluntary labeling of non-GMO products is the path that must be followed. If it is not labeled non-GMO, then assume that it is GMO. Eventually the food processors will get the message.

  4. blank John Lotus says:

    Gee Monsanto!!! ENOUGH!!! G monsanto enough!!

    G MOnsanto ENOUGH!!! G M O nsanto ENOUGH!!!!! don't let the G mon let GMO santo get away with this!!!

  5. blank Sharon Bybee says:

    There are better names than that for them.

  6. blank Sharon Bybee says:

    I've joined and will be happy to spread the word. I, also, am driving friends and family crazy with this. I happy to do so…

  7. blank Jon Strayer says:

    Almost all of the food we eat, and all of our crops, are genetically modified. None of our crops are "natural". At first we modified our crops the slow way (unnatural selection). For about 50 years or so we modified them using a shot gun approach – irradiate the seeds and see what sprouts.

    That you don't complain about. No, now that they have a more precise method you are up in arms.

  8. If corporations were banned from sticking in unlimited amounts of money, which the average millions of people can't do, then you would have a real democracy.

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