1. blank OorWullie says:

    Those who have read extensively on natural cures will not have any difficulty at accepting this woman’s experience. It is reassuring to read that it is also supporting Ralph Cole’s experience.

  2. I know what to add extra to my garden now. Anyone know if carrot juice freezes well? Or if it would be best to freeze carrots un juiced

  3. If you Google the Autobiography of Mr Jay Kordich, the “Father of Juicing”, you will see another incredible connection to Carrot Juice curing cancer.
    The man is now in his 90s and still going super strong!
    But when he was in college, in his early 20’s, he was diagnosed with a highly advanved prostate Cancer and was given a year to live. He then turned to Dr Max Gerson, the godfather of natural Cancer therapy, who then put him on a strict carrot&apple juice diet daily, he was not allowed anything else, and the rest was history… And thats Mr Kordich realized the significants of fresh natural juice in our diets daily.
    Everyone should own and use a Juicer daily, especially the elderly.

  4. hello,
    can you tell us what he gives for your son?

    1. scammers and fraud never believe them

      1. yes i think that all this are fakes

  5. please,
    to have a profitable discussion to all, give details ; don’t say only contact such doctor , give details on the protocol you follow ! You will understand that it is to avoid the charlatans

  6. I just wanted to know that if you could cut down the amount of carrot juice. I only weigh 47kgs and 32 oz is a whole heap. I started yesterday and managed 16oz. I just wondered if body weight had anything to do with it.

  7. is it a must to freeze the juice??

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