Los Angeles Set to Be Largest GMO-Free Zone in USA

International outrage against Monsanto and GMOs by activists and concerned citizens at large is paying off once again. Just days after Mexico announced a complete ban on the growth of GMO corn, Los Angeles lawmakers have now gone on record in setting up Los Angeles to be the largest GMO-free region in the United States.
Specifically, L.A. politicians are responding to the call for a ban on the cultivation, sale, and even distribution of GMOs at large. In other words, an entirely ‘GMO-free’ zone.
This would be one of the most powerful pieces of legislation to pass in the fight against Monsanto that has ever been seen — especially in the Monsanto-owned United States, where even the USDA has given Monsanto’s genetically modified creations special ‘speedy approval’ access to their regulation techniques.
Politicians Forced to Act
But even despite Monsanto’s tentacles being locked deep inside the political system, we are now seeing politicians who are forced into taking action by their supporters.
This appears to be the case with Los Angeles City Councilmen Paul Koretz and Mitch O’Farrell, who are responsible for introducing the motion and subsequently addressing the demands of the population. And thanks to activism and the high-powered spread of information on the subject of Monsanto and GMOs, we are seeing this kind of action on a much more frequent basis.
In fact, the number of politicians now driven to fight against Monsanto in order to retain support is climbing to the point where my prediction of Monsanto’s economic downfall within the next few years may indeed become a reality thanks to enraged voters. Just look at how much information is being launched into the mainstream even in major media reports on the Los Angeles initiative, with City Councilman Kortez stating:
“A growing number of problems are being traced to GMOs,.. the evolution of ‘superbug’ insects which are growing immune to the pesticides engineered within GMO crops” and “‘seed drift’ (for example the recent finding of GMO-pollinated wheat growing in an Oregon farmer’s field).”
These are the facts we have been telling you for years, and it is a major victory to see them now reaching millions more around the globe. If Los Angeles is able to push through the GMO ban into city wide regulation, it would be a direct blow to the beast that is Monsanto and the biotech industry at large.
Dear Anthony,
Have you read the news about the Polio outbreak in Syria? Unicef is sending vaccines for this and other diseases. What really prompted me to write this was the ‘Supercereal’ we are sending as well. I’ve looked this up as I had no idea what this was or have never heard of it. Maize and soy… sounds nice. Unicef is headcourtered in New York. Amazing that what we may be sending overseas is GMO!!! I think there is a story to this.
For the elite globalist people that want to reduce the worlds population and believe, may be even the poor and black, should or have to eat GMO’s, whether they want or not. In this way you can get them to pay for GMO’s or even give it ti them if you have to, just so you can reduce their numbers.
Third generation of rats that were fed GMO’s became sterile. In order to get to the 1.5 billion elite population mark you need a very large reduction in population.
your tinfoil hat is falling off
What will all those vegetarians and vegans do with out their gmo soy?
They can eat organic soy which is GMO free, but if it is unfermented they should still limit consumption. Soy is simply not the health food it has been touted to be.