1. I’m also wondering and waiting to know whether Oxitec GM mosquitoes released in Brazil since 2011 is responsible for the outbreak of Zika virus there? GeneWatch UK 2015 on their studies says yes.

    1. Good question; and thank you for mentioning GeneWatch UK. I wasn’t aware of it.

      I also wonder about GM mosquitoes in Florida. They were supposedly to be released in the Florida Keys ‘soon’ – but I found a post several years ago from a FL resident saying that the mosquitoes had already been released.

  2. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has appointed a number of emergency managers (EMs). EMs in general are outsiders; they know nothing about the local problems, but are paid big salaries to fix them. Hence, they often hire consultants, also at big salaries. They usually cost areas more money than they save.

    EMs are APPOINTED. They usurp the democratically ELECTED officials, thus destroying citizen participation in government. The number of EMs is rising; this is dangerous for democracy.

    Darnell Earley was the EM culpable for the switch to Flint River water. In Flint, this non-elected man ‘replaced’ the major and city council. He was EM of Saginaw ($110,000), then Flint ($180,000), then the Detroit public schools ($221,000). Detroit’s schools are crumbling, understaffed, and have black mold, rats, exposed wires, leaks, non-working heat/AC, etc.; yet Earley intends to CUT their budget.

    When prosecution time comes ’round, Earley should join Snyder and the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality. They are all criminals.

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