1. blank Don"t buy EVIL says:

    Truth in labeling…..not corn flakes…..CORN CRAP!

  2. blank madashell says:

    geez another company I am going to have to boycott. Pretty soon their won’t be anything safe to eat unless you grow it yourself. We are so screwed.

    1. blank madashell says:

      *there* (not awake yet, haven’t had my daily dose of flouride or any other of the poisons we consume)

    2. blank JustSayin' says:

      Hate to break the news to you, but even though one grows their own super garden, the truth is, they get the chemtrails unloading toxic metals onto their garden via rain. Honestly, nothing is 100% safe anymore. Sometimes we feel that its just a matter of time before all of us are deathly sick. ALL OF US.

    3. blank Jamie Clemons says:

      The wind blows it onto your non-gmo crops and it cross pollinates. Once this stuff is unleashed you can’t get rid of it.

  3. blank The Mighty Kevin II says:

    Oh NO! I have been spending more on those very products for a long time, BECAUSE they have the non-GMO label. If anyone knows of any cereals that really don’t have GMO products, please let me know.

    1. check out the Paleo diet … now u know ..

    2. blank celiayounger says:

      get organic (with the symbol) there are a couple ORGANIC brands. No GMO, NG

  4. blank Flowerdamsel says:

    So sad that a sick circle of life exists here in the United States. Big pharma wants you ‘to ask your doctor’, big insurance wants you to bankrupt all the while big banks are willing to lobby for big ag. We have very sick people in government!

  5. blank Alleged Comment says:

    The only safe cereal is Familia. DO NOT EAT any American cereal.

  6. blank Patrick McGean says:

    Eat nothing in a box is what Richard L. Stump of Muncie indiana says, but being he is 90 years young remember the grains of salt.
    If it is in a box it has preservatives which prevent biology even in your silly self.
    You are what you eat, do you wanna be a box or end up in a box prematurely then head Dr. Stumps advise and add organic sulfur to your diet to take the toxins you have been feeding your kids.
    Got sulfur?

  7. blank tina maruco says:

    What about natures path and simply nature? Both r organic.

  8. blank Itaguyod Ang Buhay says:

    This is in the US. we hope that here in the Philippines, it is not like that.

  9. Shame on Kellogg, particularly for misleading customers of their Kashi line of cereals! I suppose the folks at Kellogg corporate think it’s a BIG inside joke to fool health-conscious consumers with their FAUX GM-free branding? Essentially, we consumers left the fox in charge of the hen house, and the fox (like the zebra) couldn’t change his (predatory) “stripes”. Sadder still, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, a devout Seventh-Day Adventist, would be rolling over in his grave! Adventists were ahead of their times, with a strict focus on a healthy diet and lifestyle as an integral part of keeping “God’s temple” (the body) in good repair. The entire Kellogg brand is a product of a Victorian-era HEALTH NUT! (Incidentally, if I were among the leadership of the Adventist church, I would be dogging Kellogg to stop dragging their founder’s good name into the mud.)
    It’s not just the fact that name-brand foods may be incorrectly labeled as non-GMO when they are effectively so contaminated that they cannot possibly qualify as such. Farmers in the U.S. and Canada have had to face extensive court battles, which they typically lose because they don’t have unlimited deep pockets, to fight accusations of STEALING GMO (patented) food crops. That’s because the “cross contamination” of a neighboring farmer’s field, be it corn or canola, can essentially “infect” their own agriculture lands, and once those patented seeds are found they are in for a huge lawsuit for not paying the GMO premium.
    The upshot? Not only are non-GMO crop farmers faced with essentially flunking their GMO-free labeling objectives but they are sued by Big Agri for the presence of neighboring GMO crops! Watch the documentary “Food Inc.”. In fact, not only watch it but buy it with the intent to pass it to a friend. (And, likewise, have them promise to do the same.) The average American is waking up to the healthfulness of organic foods. What they don’t know, and should soon appreciate, is that potentially many of their GMO free food brands, for all their attempts to shop smarter/healthier, are “cross contaminated” as the Kellogg spokesperson put it.
    The legal tables need to be turned on Monsanto such that farmers who attempt to grow organic crops can sue and win on the grounds that pernicious and “invasive” GMO crops have become so ubiquitous that they no longer can justifiably enjoy patent protection. Once there is NO PATENT PROTECTION there will be no money in that particular product for a big developer like Monsanto. Once the money literally drops out from beneath such a crop, it may cause Monsanto to abandon the massive promotion of existing (contaminating) products, and with any luck they can be weeded (literally!) out of the environment. It’s an essential strategy, IMO, that the likes of Monsanto lose patent protection on the basis that this contamination is so widespread that the patent in question is meaningless and therefore uninforceable. Once that objective is achieved, the next objective would be to render Monsanto legally responsible for the cleanup, not unlike the way the big rocket developers of the 1940s-70s (defense contractors) ultimately became responsible for cleaning up contaminated EPA superfund sites on former test sites.

  10. I use a program named “Buycott” on my phone at the store to detect it the product is gmo or not. That way I don’t have to go by the label. Just click the Bar code and it identified it. Free program.

  11. This is an indictment of Capitalism. Profits before people.

  12. Thank you so very much for this information. Very much appreciated.

  13. blank Jamie Clemons says:

    And none of this GMO and none of these toxic chemicals are necessary. Why do we still have this stuff?

  14. blank Foreign_Policy says:

    Here’s what I dont get. Its not controversial to say you think GMOs are bad for you, but if you say vaccines are bad for you, everyone throws a hissy fit and labels you a Trump supporter. Even though ALL of today’s vaccines are synthetic, recombinant DNA vaccines, or GMO. Pfizer is owned by Monsanto. Go figure. So everyone hates GMOs but they’ll inject recombinant DNA and chimera viruses full of metals used to inactivate and prevent fungal/bacterial contamination, just like a pesticide to plants. makes sense

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