1. I wish I had not read this article. And to think hamburgers is one of my favorite foods. Guess I'd better become a vegetarian. This country is in big trouble

  2. Hello,

    this article reminds me of a manga (= japanese comics) titled "Bio Meat" or "Bio Meat Nectar"…

  3. blank Vegan diet looks bet says:

    Making human waste into food is not only wrong, without any morals and evil but is cannibalism (like Soylent Green) as the waste will contain genetic material and DNA from the digestive tracts of their source! (note to the Japanese scientists in the article source means where it came from not to be confused with sauce which is a liquid or varying thickness to accompany a food item in case you try to broaden this experiment to urine)

    Lets hope it does NOT have hormones, mercury, radiation, fluoride, ammonia, GMO, aluminium or anything else toxic and pray it is not infested with parasites and or their eggs and/or contain DNA.

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