1. blank Mark Gusack says:

    One of the key problems with corn syrup is that,calorie for calorie it does not provide the same level or type of sweetness that sucrose [cane sugar] does. Just 50 calories of sugar will equal about 150 calories of corn syrup in sweetness.

    If you combine this with the difference in how it is metabolized this leads to a higher rate of intake which, over years adds 10 – 15% to overall weight normally gained as one ages. Over a two decade period this produces a dramatic increase in fat our population carries around.

    My wife and I have been eating mostly home make breads and drink soft drinks only rarely for the past four years. The result has been dramatic. Without trying I have slowly lost almost 25 lbs.

    Yes; sugar costs more. However, it is a higher quality carbohydrate.

  2. blank Ben Lofgren says:

    Nice article but needs a proofread.

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