Infanticide Advocate Pushes GMO Golden Rice: More to the Story

(NaturalSociety) An advocate of infanticide for disabled babies is the latest addition to those claiming the moral high ground over golden rice for poor, vitamin-A deficient children.
Prior to pointing out the idiocy of a known infanticide advocate pushing GMO Golden Rice, you should know its origins. The promotion of this single grain may seem like a small thing, but it is steeped in a dark history that many would be surprised to learn of. There is no moral high ground here for those who ‘play God’. They have one agenda and one agenda only, and it isn’t to save the world’s dying babies.
The Rockefeller’s Fund Golden Rice
In the 1990s, the Rockefeller Foundation approached one Swiss Doctor, Ingo Potrykus of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, who specialized in plant engineering, specifically of GMO rice. It was in that lab that some of the first genetically modified rice was produced.
This scientist and his team infused rice with daffodil genes in order to increase its beta-carotene. At first glance, this seemed like a benevolent enterprise. This bio-fortified rice was meant to feed starving nations and be a solution to the ‘world food crisis.’
With supposed added Vitamin A accessed through the genetic alteration with daffodil genes, this rice would also help with declining nutrition in third world countries. But this Golden Rice may not be so safe.
Peter Singer the Eugenicist & Transhumanist
An infanticide advocate, Peter Singer is a Princeton University Professor who wrote Animal Liberation. You would think someone who advocated animal rights would have the human race’s back, but he gives a nod to articles written by one Patrick Moore, who helped to promote golden rice.
Singer pretends to be the voice of reason – ever cautious of genetically modified foods:
“In the 1990’s, as a Senate candidate for the Australian Greens, I was among those who argued for strong regulations to prevent biotech companies putting our health, or that of the environment, at risk in order to increase their profits.”
This may be the case, but he has lost all sanity when it comes to GMO now. His true philosophical slant seems evident in this quote of James Hughes:
Singer’s “writings on the permissibility of euthanizing certain disabled newborns (Kuhse and Singer, 1985)… inspired howls of outrage, and accusations of fascism” but Singer also “‘argues, we must employ the new genetic and neurological sciences to identify and modify the aspects of human nature that cause conflict and competition.’”
Transhumanists Wants to Alter Genes in Unborn Babies
Transhumanism is something the general public isn’t even aware of, but it colors the trajectory of our future in alarming ways. Just ask Julian Savulescu, the controversial bioethicist and neo-eugenicist, who has been described as ‘one of Singer’s most distinguished disciples.’
He says we have a moral duty to genetically modify our children. Indeed, Savulescu claims we will simply have to “genetically enhance” humanity or face extinction.
What these mad scientists believe is that everything must be genetically manipulated – not just corn, soy, and sugar beets, but bees, frogs, and even people. While these corporate interests kill off the natural world, they are creating a technological one – a transhumanist world:
“Something is killing off up to half of America’s bees–terrible news for bees and the vegetation that depends on them for pollination. Fewer bees not only means less honey, it means less food. Researchers at Harvard are working on a partial solution — tiny drones the size of bees (not to be confused with drone bees, the mostly useless males of a bee colony).”
Singer, Savulescu, and others of this mindset are promoting eugenical gene selection and modification of human embryos using drugs and biotech tools. No wonder he likes GMO golden rice.
Singer writes that it “has not been shown to pose any risk at all to human health or the environment” and yet it “still cannot be released.”
The IRRI disagrees, stating, “it has not yet been determined whether daily consumption of Golden Rice does improve the vitamin A status of people who are vitamin A deficient and could therefore reduce related conditions such as night blindness.”
Propaganda Masters
Other lie-tellers in Singer’s company (about just golden rice) include:
- Patrick Moore – A man who makes his living as an apologist for some of the most environmentally damaging industries in the world.
- Owen Paterson – Scientist who is Britain’s worst ever environment minister.
- Matt Ridley – Owen’s Patterson’s brains.
- Mark Lynas – Who has modeled himself on Patrick Moore and has a serial problem with telling the truth.
- Biotech Corporations (including Monsanto, Dow, Merck, Biogen, Regeneron, Novo Nordisk, Amgen, Celgene, and others companies) that help create some of the most toxic and environmentally damaging products known to man, and that have a lengthy and dubious history of corporate crimes.
An advocate of infanticide for disabled babies seems an appropriate addition to the list of those claiming the moral high ground over golden rice.
As evidenced in a keynote speech given in October of 2007 by Judith Rodin, who stated that research concerning genetically modified rice had been underway for over 65 years. Rodin told the Foundations audience:
“In the sixty-five years since they began, we’ve funded the work of Golden Rice’s engineers, Dr. Peter Beyer, Dr. Ingo Potrykus, and others for more than fifteen of them. I’m delighted to announce, today, that we will be providing funding to the International Rice Research Institute – which we helped establish almost fifty years ago – to shepherd Golden Rice through national, regulatory approval processes in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. And we hope this is just the beginning.”
This means that GMO foods and eugenic-like tactics have been in the making for more than half a century. It can be stopped in an instant, though. Knowing the truth is half the battle.
Criticism of Greenpeace over Golden Rice issue is going mainstream in Europe
Golden rice is proven to be safe and beneficial to treat Vitamin A difficiency in children who are too poor to buy vegetables. The deficiency results in between 250,000 and 500,000 irreversible cases of blindness annually, mainly in children, half of whom DIE within a year of becoming blind. The article above is written like a smear campaign using propaganda scare tactics. Patrick Moore, for example, was one of the founders of Greenpeace himself and is now an advocate of Golden Rice. Don’t take my word, think and judge for yourself or take the word of all these organisations who declare Golden Rice is safe:
The American Medical Association
The American Assn for the Advancement of Science
The World Health Organization
The National Academy of Sciences
The Royal Society of Medicine (UK)
The European Commission
The American Council on Science and Health
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The American Society for Cell Biology
The American Society for Microbiology
The American Society of Plant Sciences
The International Seed Foundation
The International Society of African Scientists
The Federation of Animal Science Societies
The Society of Toxicology
The French Academy of Science
The Union of German Academi
You may want to Google the Letter advising the Prime Minister on the risks and benefits of GM technologies.
Don’t be fooled by mindless propaganda. Save real children by advocating an honourable cause!
What’s wrong with normal non-modified rice? Absolutely nothing. The above poster is a clown with a big red nose, oversized shoes, and terrible alcohol breath. Go home you silly clown, and make sure you eat a double dose of genetically modified filth. We need less clowns in the world and “if we do a good job through vaccination and genetically modified foods” we will remove the clown population of the world….Bill Gates quote……
As for me, I like my rice without the GMO. I don’t want to hear how safe
it is, because for the right price you can get anybody to speak on your
The maker of Golden Rice used to work for Monsanto….enough said!!
The author of this article is committing a huge logical fallacy: “Ad hominem: This is an attack on the character of a person rather than his or her opinions or arguments. Example: Green Peace’s strategies aren’t effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies.
In this example, the author doesn’t even name particular strategies Green Peace has suggested, much less evaluate those strategies on their merits. Instead, the author attacks the characters of the individuals in the group.”