1. Okay, great — easy enough, though i don't drink enough green tea. Great post and good reminder.

    BUT how about the extra fun stuff around the back of the thighs?? hmm?

  2. Good post. I too agree with the point that green tea helps in weight loss. Drinking lot of water and regular exercise helps a lot for weight loss. Cooking one's favorite food in different way also helps in reducing weight.Thanks

  3. Great list.The problem we are just too lazy follow through.This is great for anyone looking to make steady progress everyday regarding losing weigth.

  4. Paleo diet. Ditch the gluten, grains, and sugar.

  5. I'm a little worried about my green tea and black tea intake. I drink a gallon a day and I read it's full of fluoride. I'm probably getting a huge dose, but I don't know if it's the same kind that is a poison or what.

    1. blank Gubbity Da Gubba says:

      Nah. Unless your water is fluoridated, you are not in trouble. Fluoride is a waste product of processing some stuff, that oddly enough, validates Dr. Strangelove.

  6. blank Peter Mcilroy says:

    Fluoride is added to the water to reduce tooth decay, reducing cavities by up to 1/3 of previous rate. It is not harmful at low doses; drinking a gallon of tap-water a day won’t hurt you. Chlorine (actually HOCl, hypochloric acid) is a bit more of a problem, but again, much better than cholera. What is more likely a problem is too much caffeine. 1 gallon of green tea is equivalent to about 5-6 12-oz large cups of coffee. Stick to 1/2 gallon a day.

    1. blank 73hejeodje says:

      Calcium fluoride is what is good for your teeth in low doses. It is found naturally in some plants and spring water sources. What is added to the water and tooth paste is sodium fluoride. A byproduct of chemical, cement and other manufacturing processes. Sodium fluoride is highly toxic in any amount

  7. What is BPA? I wish those writing articles would explain terms rather than assume everyone knows what they mean.

    1. blank 73hejeodje says:

      It’s a chemical usually found in plastic materials and canned foods. It is a chemical that is a part of what the plastic or cans are made of

  8. Don’t try putting coconut oil in brioche to replace butter when you make it kills the yeasts raising ability stone dead

  9. blank Lakia Heavilin says:

    Considerable protein consumption boosts the launch around the fullness hormone PYY, which decreases urge for meals and promotes fullness.

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