How Fukushima Produce Is Making Its Way Into International Stores

It is being reported that tainted food from Fukushima, Ibaraki, Gumma, and Chiba is making its way into local supermarkets in Taiwan due to the irresponsibility of mislabeling. What’s more, these food products were banned in Taiwan since March of 2011.
The first question is: Why are food products from the concerned Japanese prefectures surrounding Fukushima mislabelled?
The second question is: Why is Japan attempting to foist its unsafe and inferior radioactive foods on Taiwan?
Instead of humbly acquiescing to Taiwan’s wishes, Japan takes an aggressive approach even threatening WTO arbitration.
Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration said the latest enforcement was in line with radiation safety management practices that other countries have put in place on Japanese food imports following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
It said it “is necessary to protect the safety of food consumption” for Taiwanese.
But Japan is protesting the move, with the government warning that it may escalate the matter to the World Trade Organization, potentially deepening the conflict between Taipei and Tokyo. [1]
Japan Created Their Predicament by Building All of Their Nuclear Reactors on Their Island Coastlines
Rather than own the problem which successive Japanese governments are fully responsible for, they appear to be taking advantage of their neighbors. No one ever forced Japan to locate their entire nuclear power generation industry on the shoreline.
Even after 4 plus years beyond the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan has still failed to satisfactorily address the fallout from the meltdown(s) that occurred after the March 11, 2011 earthquake-generated tsunami.
Report: 20,000 Square Miles Contaminated by Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi
Even more inexplicably, the Japanese government has voted to continue the operation of their nuclear power plants in spite of their vulnerability to both frequent earthquakes and potential tsunamis. Being located in one of the most seismically active earthquake zones in the Ring of Fire, such an ill-advised decision can only set up another nuclear catastrophe. Which begs the question:
“Does anyone in their right mind believe that nuclear power plants can ever be designed, engineered or constructed to withstand 9.0 earthquakes followed by 15 meter high tsunamis? [2]
The obvious answer is as follows:
“Japan should never have sited 55 nuclear reactors (plus 12 others) on its coastlines.”
Therefore, why are countries like Taiwan paying a serious price for Japan’s extraordinarily bad judgment and serious mistakes? They have known for centuries that they reside on one of the most earthquake-prone pieces of real estate in the entire world. To continue with the same nuclear energy model despite the obvious lessons of Fukushima seems to defy common sense.
Japan made some extremely fateful decisions post World War II concerning the ways it would satisfy the nation’s energy needs. In light of their direct experience with atomic energy during WWII, it would seem that they would have opted for non-nuclear energy alternatives. Instead, they went full bore constructing nuclear power plants as quickly as they could convince the prefectures with the targeted coastlines.
Here they are now still dealing with the Fukushima meltdown(s) — a set of intractable nuclear challenges which may have no practical solutions. That means that those prefectures surrounding Fukushima may always have an environment suffering from a proliferation of radionuclides. What exactly are radionuclides?
A radionuclide or radioactive nuclide is a nuclide that is radioactive. Also referred to as a radioisotope or radioactive isotope, it is an isotope with an unstable nucleus, characterized by excess energy available to be imparted either to a newly created radiation particle within the nucleus or via internal conversion. During this process, the radionuclide is said to undergo radioactive decay, resulting in the emission of gamma ray(s) and/or subatomic particles such as alpha or beta particles.[1] These emissions constitute ionizing radiation. (Source: Wikipedia — Radionuclide)
Radionuclides, and especially the ionizing radiation which they emit, are certainly not something that anyone would want in their back yard, much less in their food. Nevertheless, Japan feels it can maintain the same policies that got them into this calamitous predicament. Hopefully, Taiwan will not relent to demands so unreasonable they strain credulity. After all, Japan needs to learn some critical lessons for their own benefit as well as for their trading partners.
We need to do away with Nuclear Reactors world wide, unless we want to continue to make Nuclear bombs. That is the only reason why countries continue to have them. There is no other excuse for them, especially in an age of clean solar and wind power.
I also find it interesting that China and Germany are the 2 leaders in solar power, while at the same time having very limited sun annually, especially compared to other countries such as the USA.
China is the leading new constructor of nuclear power. Solar pales by comparison.
China’s written its own death warrant. Just one major catastrophe and they will be like northern Japan or the area around Chernobyl.
Taiwan is using Fukushima-phobia to cut back on food imports from Japan. Japan has placed a trade complaint against South Korea with the World Trade Organization. Japan’s filing in Geneva says Seoul has failed to justify their trade restrictions in accord with WTO guidelines. Further, the restrictions are not science-based.
Regardless, the Fukushima-food-scare topic seems to merely be a way to get readers to be exposed to yet another antinuclear diatribe full of exaggeration and confabulation. Total propaganda. Total NIMBY…”Radionuclides, and especially the ionizing radiation which they emit, are certainly not something that anyone would want in their back yard”.
Reporting like this is a joke.
Dung emitting Lassie, not sure if you are the Original Retard, or just a regular clone thereof.
Your lack of respect is only exceeded by your lack of understanding. First, I’m male…not a lassie. Second, the move by Taiwan is purely, exclusively, political. Third, the only reason it gets international coverage is because it deals with the new boogie man…Fukushima contamination. It need not exist to be newsworthy…the mere mention of a distant possibility is enough to get this sort of propaganda coverage.
See how they play: Scientism on display.
Your willful ignorance, or, and you would know, “I’m male”, purposeful obfuscation, trumps disrespect every time. “Purely, exclusively, political” and you know this, how?
The new bogeyman be the same old bogeyman, namely person’s like thee Lassie Male (or be thee Palinski), making a vainglorious attempt to distract from the matter at hand. Namely, Fukushima radiation, at life threatening levels, radiating the earth, wind and sea.
And the following wish to advise you that your disrespect of their situation is
nothing less than they’d expect from a retard, whether original or retreaded as thee.
Robert Harrington,
All humans whom depend on the Pacific ocean for their livelihoods,
All people who live west coast side of America, all the ways up to Alaska –
radiated they be,
All sea life – fauna and flora, destroyed by the tons of radiation flowing 24/7/365 into the Pacific since March 2011,
The earth and all living upon it (The Cabal and their brain dead zombies
excluded of course).
What was that yee said about disrespect, Lassie.
People like you are The Joke. Indeed..
The old saw is “ignorance is bliss”. In your case, it is anything but blissful. Here’s three highly reputable sources of actual scientific information on Fukushima and the Pacific…though I doubt you’ll read them. … …
Of course it is your right to remain ignorant and incorrect, but it is nobody’s right to make slanderous comments. Grow up.
The old fool is Leslie Corrice
It be everybody’s right to make any comments they see fit, halfwit, if you don’t like them, that be your issue, so I suggest you get over your small self, there’s a much bigger picture to be seen should you just get your head out of the quicksand.
And should you begin reading the numerous scientific proofs of the Fukushima ongoing radiation with consequent negative outcomes for all and sundry, not least of which be the ocean and related life, then I might do the same with your “whitewash” articles, until then, I suggest you hold your breath for a good while, it might terminally ward off the willful ignorance you willingly wallow in. Green Glow up.
I guess you have a mortal aversion to actual science. Go ahead and remain ignorant. Go ahead and believe that non-science is real science. I have compiled a complete file of everything negative posted in the Press and/or on-line since 3/11/11. Very complete. I’ve read it all. You are a self-absorbed, proto-human nitwit if you don’t read the independent, scientific links I posted. I’ve been authentically green for 40 years. Swallow your ignorance and take a leap into the world of actual knowledge.
I’ve played your disrespectful, scare-monger-based game long enough. Ta-ta.
Take a look at where you live (if it is on this map). This shows the natural COSMIC RADIATION you receive.
The Eagle lives beyond the falsehoods of the natural or not natural cartels, Voodude, so best yee practice elsewhere, the canyon be not a place for inane meanderings.
“… canyon be not a place for inane meanderings …”
… and not a place for factual presentations, either.
Are you really interested in reducing the radiation you receive? Try this: SLEEP ALONE. Work alone. The 40-Potassium in your partner, your dogs, cats, and co-workers, all increase your dose. Totally natural potassium.
Giving and Receiving: On the table times seven
The Eagle sleeps alone and fu$ks together, a real woman has applied, no co-workers allowed.
I think you’re a paid shill, or somebody clinging to a degree in nuclear science and a job in the industry. Why TF don’t you move to Fukushima prefecture and start living there, and prove the crap coming out of your mouth?
Maybe you live in one of these cities … the amount of natural RADON -many times more than the life threatening levels you claim from Fukushima … affect you. To avoid the radon, LIVE OUTSIDE. No shelter at all, because caves, cabins, tepees, tents – all concentrate radon, which you then, inhale.
Every nation and every person has a right to not eat radioactive contamination from your industry, which is the leading cause of cancer. It’s a fact your industry minimizes every one of its catastrophes. Judging by stupid concocted fakestream media reporting, a banana sitting on the kitchen table is more dangerous than the meltouts of three nuclear reactors. Yeah, according to its lackeys, no amount of radioactive contamination, and no nuclear super-castrophe, ever produces enough of a problem to be a hazard to anyone. The reality is, micro-Sieverts, even in the form of external exposue, add up quickly and cause cancer.
Comments like yours are a joke. Your precious nuclear power takes lands of milk and honey and turn them into lands of radioactive milk and radioactive honey which will kill you. If a coal-fired plant has an accident, its a boiler or dust explosion. If an NPP or SFP has an accident, an area the size of two western U.S. states are ruined for safe human habitation forever, and the whole northern hemisphere gets its background level of radiation increased yet again.