Home Remedies for Warts

Warts are a common yet seriously unwanted condition that is often treated by cutting, freezing, or burning the affected areas. In addition to being highly painful, this method is also known to be wildly ineffective when compared to natural solutions. A number of home remedies for warts do exist that have been used by alternative health practitioners and caretakers for countless decades, which are now available to you to utilize for your own healing purposes.
Home Remedies for Warts – Natural Alternatives
Here are some tested and proven home remedies for warts to get rid of warts the natural way.
- Apple cider vinegar – Using apple cider vinegar is a simple technique that also yields many other health benefits. You may already have some apple cider vinegar in your household, just make sure it is high quality organic and contains ‘the mother’. Simply apply it directly on the wart using a cotton ball or swab every 12 hours so that the healing process continues. It is also necessary to cover it with bandage. This is but one of many apple cider vinegar cures.
- Garlic – Each night before bed, crush up a clove of garlic, rub it on the wart, and apply a bandage. Additionally, cover the wart with juice from garlic twice a day.
- Baking soda – Try sprinkling some baking soda on the area, then apply vinegar. Do this each morning and each night until the wart goes away. When using baking soda, it is necessary to add some water so that it becomes pasty. Once the right consistency is achieved, apply it to the wart and cover it with tape or a bandage.
- Hydrogen peroxide – This substance is highly effective in fighting off warts and can be combined with other techniques.
- Banana – Use a piece of banana peel to rub on the wart. Use a bandage to keep it on, and replace the peel slice daily until the wart is gone.
- Tea tree oil – Applying tea tree regularly for 7 to 10 days should cause the wart to gradually fade.
Of course not every home remedy will work 100% of the time or for every single person, but what’s great about home remedies is that the healing ingredients can be found within your own home. Give different home remedies a chance; using these methods will not only eliminate the warts but also help you to save money on expensive and oftentimes faulty dermatological treatments. And remember, share which home remedies for warts work and don’t work for you with others so that natural alternatives continue to be passed down!
Additional Sources:
While any or all of these remedies might work, they are only dealing with the symptoms and not the cause. While fighting the "scourge" of warts myself recently, I accidentally discovered that the essential oil Ravensara (purchased from Youngevity) that I was using to relieve congestion is also an anti-viral and killed the internal virus —- voila ! warts shriveled and gone in approximately a week.
Virgin coconut oil works, without burning. But you have to apply it a lot.
Castor Oil and baking soda
Vitamin e,600 units, daily for three weeks and any over the counter lotion containing vitamin e on the wart area. It worked for me.
The best treatment I ever used was duct tape. First, I had a persistent wart cut off. When it came back after a couple of years, I had it removed with a laser. When it came back a third time, I put a piece of duct tape on it and after about a week, it was completely gone and hasn't returned (or any new warts either) after ten years.
The apple cider vinegar method works great not only for warts and treating them, but i found that u can actually make a mixture that helps get rid of most bug bites.
Hi Pat u said u used Ravensara oil to get rid of some warts but how do u go about doing it do u put it on a pad and leave on it or what can u give me some info?
Nice article…
Living with HPV is much easier if you have a healthy body. This prevents the warts from recurring. In addition to the above mentioned natural treatments, herbs like Hyperisince Mysorense, Echinacea, Phyllanthus emblica are also effective for Warts. They boost immunity of a person and plants of the Hypericum family have also been studied to have anti-viral effects. Intake of vegetables especially Cruciferous vegetables which includes cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli and citrus fruits should be increased with minimizing intake of sugars, caffine and refined foods. The aim of treatment is to improve the immune system of the individual. Curing hpv, also called human papilloma virus or venereal wart, can only be achieved through strengthening the body's resistant system.
I’m looking for skin tags removal, have many and it cost a lot to go to a sin doctor
ive used oil of oregano. it burns a little, but the tag swelled up and died in just a couple days.
I have lost count on the amount of warts I have had in my life and until recently I had countless warts all over my body. This lead me to a lot of trial & error with various different wart removal methods so that I can now get rid of my warts naturally without the need of creams (that really don’t work haha) or surgery. Just follow the guide on the following website:
solvehealthproblem*com/warts (obviously change the * for a dot as it wont let me post links here).This will teach you to learn for yourself. It is completely painless and really it tackles the root cause of them. Hope my comments helps anyone else who is looking to get rid of warts themselves 🙂