Home Remedies for Toothache – 7 Natural Toothache Treatments

While dentistry has come a long way over the decades, many people still fear a visit to the dentist – especially for issues outside of a general cleaning. Among these unwanted reasons for a visit is a toothache, which generally occurs due to infection, decay, injury, a cracked tooth, or loss of a tooth. The pain can be excruciating and seemingly everlasting, but thankfully there are a number of natural toothache treatments that don’t involve a visit to the dentist. Below are some effective home remedies for toothache that may also help to treat tooth abscess and tooth infection.
7 Home Remedies for Toothache – Natural Toothache Treatment
Among the most popular of home remedies for toothache, the use of garlic has been passed down for years to treat a toothache. Garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin, which helps to makeup garlic’s antibiotic properties. When garlic is crushed, this compound is released, helping to slow bacterial activity upon application and ingestion. Try applying a crushed garlic clove or garlic powder to the area. It may burn, but the pain could vanish within minutes, although it could take hours. Repeat this over a few days, and you all should be well. Needless to say, this is only one of many benefits of garlic.
One of the most potent anti-inflammatories with anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties, cloves also make up an extremely popular remedy for toothache, tooth infection, or tooth abscess. Cloves are so effective against toothaches and sore throats due containing eugenol, a phenylpropene that makes up cloves’ anesthetic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The simplest way to utilize cloves is with clove oil, which can be dabbed on the area with a cotton ball or swished around in your mouth after mixing 2-4 drops in 1/4 glass of water.
Oil Pulling
Used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is the act of swishing around some type of oil in your mouth – typically sunflower oil or sesame oil. Simply put a tablespoon of one of these oils in your mouth, swish it around slowly for 15-20 minutes, and the problem could vanish within days. Not only is this activity one of the most interesting toothache remedies, but oil pulling benefits are especially recognized for promoting oral health.
In addition to many other
Oregano Oil, Colloidal Silver, and Warm Salt Water
If the toothache is the result of an abscess or another infection, try this. Start with several drops of oregano oil under the tongue, and hold for a few minutes. Then, swish around colloidal silver as many times as once per hour. After a few hours, ingest additional colloidal silver, but not more than a total of 8 ounces in one day. In between the colloidal silver swishes, perform a warm salt water swish using preferably sea sat and rub more oregano oil into your gums.
Hydrogen Peroxide
If nothing seems to work, you could try one toothache remedy that many individuals swear by – hydrogen peroxide. A popular remedy on Earthclinic, all you have to do is hold a half-tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and on the infected tooth for a few minutes. Alternatively, you could soak a cotton ball in the liquid and apply it to the tooth. Repeat the treatment twice a day.
Nutmeg Oil
A less popular solution for toothaches, nutmeg oil may still prove useful for natural toothache treatment. Place 1 drop of nutmeg oil on a cotton swab and apply it to the gum area around the tooth; repeat this process several times a day.
Enjoy these home remedies for toothache, and don’t forget to share what has worked and what hasn’t worked for you!
Additional Sources:
I used to have peridontal ‘disease’ and my gums ached. Dentist scraped below the gum line, hurt like hell and cost bucks. It obviously didn’t work because next he wanted to ‘cut my gums down to lower the pockets.’ I drew the line on that but he kept nagging me every visit (sure, it is surgery – good bucks). Well, I started brushing my teeth with peroxide and baking soda – no more peridontal problems, no cavities, it is cheap and actually good for you if you swallow some (it is shocking that if you swallow fluoride toothpaste you have to call poison control. That’s a great thing to let your kids put in their mouths.
And don't forget fresh ginger root! Works immediately to relieve tooth pain. You can rub raw ginger into the gums or boil the ginger root, letting it cool and using it as a mouth rinse.
Excellent article. I personally would never take antibiotics for abscessed teeth, as from experience I know that the abscess suddenly mushrooms up after antibiotics are taken, with the dentist saying 'that is the antibiotic working' whereas in truth, your own immune system just got nuked by the antibiotics and the bacteria causing the abscess have just gone rampant, and the tooth then has to be pulled. Whereas, colloidal silver, if swished round the mouth as often as you can whilst an abscess is present, will cause the abscess to go away, and the tooth to be saved, and I have used this method on both myself and other people several times, saving several teeth.
Be careful with oils like clove, as it will burn gum tissue away quickly, and receding gums are terribly painful, leaving only the option of extremely expensive, gruesome, and not always successful gum tissue surgery to cover up exposed nerve endings in the dentine.
I recently ditched my electric toothbrush due to gum erosion problems, and am now much more comfortable, the supposed benefits of such a device having in fact exacerbated the very problem it was supposed to resolve.
Now I use a high pressure water pick device to remove plaque around the gumline and between teeth, after brushing with a medium brush and flossing, and my teeth are no longer painful, and the cleanliness of my gums is much better now, with the complete absence now of bacterial odour, as the water washes so superbly under the gumline in a way that mere brushing and flossing never could, nor the excessive mechanical impact of the electric toothbrush.
I also recommend raw milk to replace tooth enamel; it really does work, Check out Ramiel Nagel's excellent website.
For gum troubles, I've found a tea made from cinnamon oil (two or three drops), cloves, and thyme, pulled through the teeth and swished around, works wonders.
Have to be careful with the cinnamon oil as it can really burn. But I used this a day before having to go see my dentist for a bad tooth. He knows how bad my gums have been over the years and he just volunteered "wow, your gums look great."
I've used this for swollen gums a few times in the last few years. Make a cup's worth, take sips, swish and pull over 15 minutes or so, and the relief is almost immediate. At least in my case.
One great remedy not mentioned, is gargling with hydrogen peroxide…
One Thanksgiving morning, I had the worst toothache that radiated all across my head, and for obvious reasons, I had no way of getting professional treatment, so I checked out home remedies online.
Since it was readily available in my medicine cabinet, and one of the uses on the label indicated it could be gargled as a mouthwash, I was more than eager to try.
I was pleasantly surprised that almost as soon as I spit out the mouth-full, within a few minutes the pain was totally gone, and hasn't returned since.
But now I know the FIRST thing I will try if it happens again.
Regular cheap, hydrogen peroxide absolutely! It works quickly at killing the infection that goes hand in hand with the pain. A very cheap and effective remedy; just don't swallow it.
I totally agree, I just did it and I couldn't believe what an infection I had.
I had receeding gums that slowly got worse and eventually this was the reason why cavities started and I lost all my teeth one by one. Not one dentist mentioned that they knew this would happen or that a WATER PICK is the only method to wash and cleanse the bacteria out of the gum pockets which will then cause the gums to REGROW and attach new gum fibres to the teeth which then pulls the gum BACK ON TO THE TEETH. Save your gums and teeth from decay. Another hint is if you rub your finger along the gum line you will strengthen the attachment of the gum to the teeth so that the gum will grow a strong cuticle just like the skin does on your fingernail. Yes my denture doctor told me this and showed me his cuticles attaching to his teeth and the cuticles were the largest I have ever seen!
My infinite thanks to all who've commented & offered some incredible solutions/home remedies to/for our/my natural oral healing! Namaste..xo
Ascorbic acid gets rid of toothache, guaranteed! A tsp every 3 hours (about 5000mg per dose), gone in 3 doses, tops. Personal experience – it never fails! – Linda
Garlic sure is a handy thing to have in the house because it is a very medicinal ingredient. I have tried it and it sure is very effective in treating toothache.
Another interesting remedy for toothache is Sensodyne toothpaste. Just put it on the affected tooth like you would any other topical treatment. I really does work!
Another remedy we tried and that works is vanilla extract on a cotton swab.
Sensodyne gives me a toothache. Glad it worked for you.
Lots of great advice. Seems like many remedies work.
A dentist said I needed a root canal right away. I found oil pulling on the internet by accident and within two days the abscess was gone.
By the way, most oils whiten the teeth, even on the first swishing of 20 min. I found organic hemp oil the best. Flax oil can yellow teeth.
And if you are out in the wilderness and get a headache or toothache…chew on a piece of willow!
When I've got a toothache I always floss and brush my teeth, then swish water with about 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda per cup around in the mouth for a few minutes and then keep it at the painful spot for as long as I can, then swallow it. That gets rid of the acidity in the mouth and therefore kills bacteria. Plus I avoid acidic foods (sugar, grains, dairy, processed foods) and eat lots of green leafy vegetables to remineralize. Works like a charm!
The garlic really does work! Thanks so much for sharing!
Would it make a difference if I just ate foods loaded with garlic? I’m thinking of combining the garlic remedy with the hydrogen peroxide mouthwash, but I’d like to avoid putting just garlic in my mouth if I can.
Thanks for all this information I tried crushed garlic on my growing wisdom teeth worked in minutes and stoped the pain I also have gum dease will try other stuff from here, nature has so
much medicine for us thats hiw people did it back then.
Cloves and garlic work like a treat for me. It’s really comforting to know that a lot of these remedies are actually inexpensive and already exist in our kitchen!
Have been using clove oil for days no..gives instant relief ..though the effects wear out soon 🙁
Me too it makes my gums hurt also
A few years ago I developed an abcess above one of my upper back teeth. I took a tea bag and wet it with hot water, then placed it in my mouth over the abcess. I laid down and took a nap. When I woke up the abcess was gone and never came back.
The clove oil on an achy tooth works wonders for a toothache. Works like the toothache numbing gel you buy at the drug store but better. Warm Salt water helps some and hydrogen peroxide. I’ve personally tried these remedies.
I have found salt and pepper 1/4 teaspoon each few drops of water to make paste, cover tooth, pain gone within seconds.
Leave him its the truth i have worked with a dentist and i will never go to one they are disgusting unclean and liars its best to do the home remedies and see a herbalist if professional help is needed never a dentist i left my work couldnt take the corruption
Yes, then apply tea tree oil which gets into the gums & kills the bacteria causing the toothache!
Vitamin C? Bet you had the “runs” after those doses!