1. I've had canker sores since I was a child and they're often really, really painful, once it brought tears to my eyes. I found a product that's become my hg, Canker Sores Begone. Do a search, theyre online. It heals them for me overnight, for my 8 yr old and 10 yr old also.

    1. I will try this product when I slip up from my Eat Right 4 your Type diet.

  2. salt water? ouch! I had nonstop canker sores for 40 years. While searching for ways to stabilize my weight, I came across the 'Eat Right 4 your Type' book. Simple premise, you eat according to your blood type. I started by avoiding the foods on the list of foods to avoid for my blood type. A short time later I realized that I had gone 2 days without a canker sore. This was monumental! I used to be in constant pain every day. lived a life of pain. I have bee avoiding certain foods ever since. The hard part is that many of the foods were my favorite, and I can't believe that I don't eat my favorites anymore. I can't eat pork or tomato or anything with corn or even Chicken. It is tough to not eat some of my favorite foods, but it is worth it not to be in pain every waking moment. If I have a very small morsel of one of these foods I will pay for it by the next day. It is worth a shot for those of you really suffering.

  3. A healthy diet program comprising vitamin C and B
    intricate, iron and zinc will assure a powerful immune program to ward off
    infections. About 20 a person % of people practical experience the exact dilemma with white or yellow open sores displaying up in the mouth.

  4. I read that yogurt sloshed around in the mouth is also helpful?

  5. i rarely have canker sores… but whenever i have one a friend would usually suggest "alum"… it indeed heals faster, it is very painful once applied.

  6. After reading this article on Healing Canker Sores Naturally, I had someone tell me to start taking acidophilus for my caker sores, I have always struggled with them my whole life. I now take one a day and have nearly eliminated them. I probably eat better than I use to but this totally "cut" out Canker Sores for years…

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