High Fiber Diet Shown to Prevent Cancer Progression

For over a decade people have been told to incorporate a high-fiber diet into their lifestyle in order to prevent and even help reverse colon cancer, but what about other cancers? Well, research surrounding this recommendation is now finding yet another link between increased fiber intake and the fight against cancer, with a recent study finding that a high fiber diet can slow the progression of prostate cancer.
The study, which was conducted by University of Colorado researchers and published in the January 2013 issue of Cancer Prevention Research, involved testing a compound known as inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). IP6 is a chemical largely present in a high-fiber diet and found specifically in foods like beans, peanuts, brown rice, sesame seeds, white rice, and other whole grains.
Researchers fed one group of mice IP6 while the other did not receive the compound, ultimately monitoring the progression of prostate cancer cells. In the end, prostate tumors in the mice fed IP6 simply did not grow and progress at the same rate as those found in the other test mice.
IP6 not only inhibited prostate tumors from making new blood vessels which are required for energy, but the compound also slowed the progress at which the tumors metabolize glucose.
“The study’s results were really rather profound. We saw dramatically reduced tumor volumes, primarily due to the anti-angiogenic effects of IP6,” says Komal Raina, PhD, research instructor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. “Researchers have long been looking for genetic variations between Asian and Western peoples that could explain the difference in prostate cancer progression rates, but now it seems as if the difference may not be genetic but dietary. Asian cultures get IP6 whereas Western cultures generally do not.”
Other Methods for Preventing Prostate Cancer
In addition to increasing fiber intake, there are of course other natural methods for preventing and reversing prostate cancer. In one study, based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. The anticancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in reducing inflammation aand being a rich source of life-enhancing antioxidants.
Another substance used to suppress prostate tumor development is the turkey tail mushroom. The research focused on a compound known as polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which is found in the turkey tail mushroom. What was found was that mice fed the PSP over 20 weeks did not develop any prostate tumors, whereas a group of mice not fed PSP did develop tumors.
Finally, if you’re looking for a more “practical” approach to reduce prostate cancer risk, simply exercise more and consume more leafy green vegetables. Both walking and leafy greens, specifically brassicas, have been shown to help in the prevention of cancer and lower the risk of cancer development.
Even brisk walks can be highly effective at enhancing overall health with simultaneously fending off an increased risk of colon cancer. It can even help to balance out your mood, assist in ‘earthing’ (the act of experiencing nature through nature walks that can be beneficial), and much more.
Taking simple preventative measures to cut your risk of developing serious conditions can be as simple as walking 10 minutes a day or altering your diet. When it comes down to it, you also can save thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) in medical bills.
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