1. I hope this type of action stops the use of glyphosate as a desiccant on pulse & other crops as well

  2. blank Alex Dubois says:

    From the article: Willie Zuchkan, an oat grower from east-central Saskatchewan and former chair of SaskOats, said the loss of glyphosate as a pre-harvest management tool will present a challenge, as he believes it is effective for weed-control.

    “Weed control” is NOT the issue. Farmers spray their crop while it is standing in the field in order to (a) kill the wheat so all the grain will dry evenly and be ready for harvest and (b) spraying the wheat plant puts it under stress, causing the plant to make one last push to live, which causes it to actually produce MORE grain.

    Using glyphosate on wheat is an “off label” use and as such should be illegal. The USG raised the “allowable” limits of glyphosate to compensate for such spraying.

    Avoid most “modern” grains if you are desirous of attaining good health.

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