1. blank Undecider says:

    If you’re against this pill, you must be anti-science or something.

    1. blank LawrenceNeal says:

      Or, not a toady of BigPharma

  2. blank LilaSincere says:

    Number one, women don’t have a problem with having sex due to not having an erection and that’s what Viagra does for a man that has that problem, and if he doesn’t get aroused he still might not get an erection with Viagra.
    Being in the right mood is number one for women. Stimulating lotions and gels do wonders for getting in the mood, it tingles when put on the clitoris. Affection and a quiet evening with someone you care for and even adding a ‘little’ booze or some pot almost always helps to get the mood. There’s an old saying for getting a woman in the mood and it goes…”Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.”

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