Pepsi Wins Battle to Keep Adding Carcinogen to Your Soda

Pepsi One and Diet Pepsi drinkers lost a battle against the GMO supporting company, Pepsi Co, recently when a federal judge dismissed a class action lawsuit over the carcinogenic additive, 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI) found within the beverages.
The substance 4-MeI is a byproduct of caramel coloring, and it has been proven to cause cancer in multiple scientific studies. The Coca-Cola Company previously eliminated the chemical from its drinks, while Pepsi Co did not.
Under California’s Prop 65, 4-MeI is included on a state list of substances that can cause cancer. An arm of the World Health Organization has also classified 4-MeI as a possible carcinogen. Consumer Reports also did a study on the chemical and found it was well above ‘healthy’ levels in many Pepsi drinks.
Paul Riva and Danielle Ardagna were part of a larger class action suit against Pepsico claiming that their drinks were unhealthy, but interim legal counsel decided to ignore personal injury or medical monitoring claims when the larger case was carried further into court with just the two plaintiffs.
“There is no plausible inference that 4-MeI causes bronchioloalveolar cancer in humans. The threshold levels of exposure that lead to enhanced risk of disease have not been identified. And many other common foods contain similar or higher levels of 4-MeI than the Pepsi products at issue.”
Riva and Ardagna asserted claims against Pepsico for negligence, strict liability based on defective design and liability based on failure to warn, seeking medical monitoring as a remedy for all three claims.
Despite Judge Chen’s ignorance, a single can of Pepsi One can contain as much as 43.5 micrograms of 4-MeI. Not something you want to regularly ingest. Even if Pepsi Co won this particular class action lawsuit, we can still hold them accountable as consumers.
You know what to do – time to boycott all Pepsi products – from their carcinogenic drinks to their GMO containing products sold under these brand names – Pepsi-Cola, Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, and Quaker.
Sam’s Cola has the carmel coloring too though just like Pepsi colas.
The caramel coloring ain’t the cause of the disease. It’s the lack of nutrients in food, GMOs & sedentary lifestyles. So drink-up. Soda ain’t gonna kill anybody.
Right on the coloring would be less concern to me than the high fructose corn syrup Pepsi and Sam’s Colas contain.
It should all be a concern. So drink up and get a disease.
To all Diet Cola drinkers—have you tried drinking that awful stuff warm.What a deadly sickening long after taste.
Here in Canada– Coke hides the diet crap by calling it NO Sugar . Catholic high schools can only serve–Diet pop.
another health issue ( side note): Reading the pop label–May contain sugar or dextrose..Problem is–Sugar is never used :^(
I sent Pepsi a email about this and they sent me back some generic email about how the fda says its fine and blah blah blah, I now have 0 respect for this company and I have been drinking pepsi for a very long time, I told them thanks for maybe giving me cancer in return for being a long time customer!
This plus aborted fetuses. Any one who drinks this deserves to die
Good they can keep their nasty poison drink and shove it! Me and my family all quite the stuff a decade ago when started learning about all the garbage being foisted on us thru our food supply by the chemical/food corps. More and more people now a days don’t touch that stuff w/ a ten foot pole!
If you know the drink is not good for you why do you continue to drink it. If people just stop buying the stuff then they would go out of business. If you care about your health you will just stop drinking it. When are you going to understand that the people in government do not want us to be healthy. They want us sick so they can take us over. Quit drinking it. What my husband and I do is buy mineral water and add a little cranberry juice or some other form of juice in it it instead of soda. Also why not make some water with fruit in it. Much better for you than soda.
Quite true. People have become so lazy and dependent when it comes to food. People have the power to shut down these worthless corporations that take our money and feed us poison.
I find it hard to believe that anyone health conscious enough to read this news letter would even consider drinking this artificial toxic swill to begin with. That said, it should not even be permitted on the market at all since so many prefer to remain in blissful ignorance of the nutritionally worthless poisons they ingest.
The crack pots writing the article and in the comment section gave me a good laugh.