1. blank Joanne Jasny says:

    As a Community Nurse, I used silver dressings frequently as this was the most effective treatment for colonisation of ulcers rather than using topical or systemic antibiotics. I discovered that Silver nitrate, used as a debriding agent for hyper granulated tissue was also effective in eradicating local infection.
    I am fed up with the big Pharmaceutical Companies calling the shots.

  2. The FDA has no Medicinal Use!!!!!!!!

    1. blank John Phillip Cunningham says:

      its a different compound its, so yes and no.

  3. blank Silver Pro says:

    We took our dog to the vet 5 times for a ear infection that kept coming back. No antibiotic would get rid of it. (Plus it was getting very expensive)!
    That is when I learned about silver and tried it. Not only it got rid of the ear infection..It never came back. I use silver for a lot of things, and it has worked on everything. (Much better than expensive RX, and cheaper to, Plus better than the junk doctors prescribe for you).

  4. Hey my mom has alzheimers and bed ridden. She had constant bouts of infections of many kinds because of her condition. She was constantly prescribe antibiotics very strong ones I might add. They all worked but the infections never stop coming she was constantly on antibiotics which in my opinion made it worse.
    I started reading about other alternatives and discovered colloidal silver. Since this miracle came into our lives we do not know what a infection is. Do yourself a favor and stop taking prescription drugs find other alternatives you’ll be healthy if you did.

  5. blank Glenn Festog says:

    Brought to you by the same people who approved Accutane, Baycol, Bextra, Cylert, Darvon and Darvocet, and 29 other drugs they were forced to recall for killing people and/or doing more damage than the symptoms they were treating. The one’s who say marijuana has no medicinal use while the USDA has patented marijuana and marijuana oil as medicine. The one’s who, in Michigan Court, stated that we (the people) have no rights under the Constitution to eat whatever we want.
    The FDA: eliminating public health one bribe at a time.

  6. blank John Phillip Cunningham says:

    were dealing with pre first grade mentality here. organic, ( the solid metal whither it is lead or sliver any furic or non furic metal verses inorganic plants only produce it, it is not possible to ionze or burn oned into the other, silly religious fools.

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