1. Not surprised one bit. While a still small part of me clings to the good of medical research, the vast majority of research and endeavors of the pharmaceutical industry is designed with utter disregard for the health and wellness of people and the planet. Thank you for posting so we concerned individuals can be proactive and make our voices heard.

  2. Cancer industry is a bottomless pit .c

  3. blank ozspeaksup says:

    so now we need a name n shame effort.
    and the products that they lied about to be made public asap.

  4. blank Wolters MD says:

    It's blatant disregard for patient health and transparency by big pharma that significantly contributes to our nation's alarming and growing prescription drug abuse problem. It's time the FDA gets out of pharmas pocket and an honest federal regulatory body step in with the best interest of the nation in hand. For example in my sector of healthcare, treating drug abuse with replacement drugs has been widely accepted as a proper longterm solution. Pharma pushes drug replacement therapy as an ongoing solution, when in fact it should only be used as a short-term application for patients. You can learn more about the dangers of DRT here http://www.heroin-rehab.org/drug-replacement-ther… to get another look into how big pharma completely disregards patients longterm health.

  5. Davo Its all about greed, these co.'s don't care about anyones health, its all about the money! Worthless vaccines that are bad for your health,drugs that mask symptoms and don't cure anything but there being sold and billions are being made! Many people die every year from drugs that are prescribed. Greed should be a crime, these are crimes against humanity! I will never take a long term prescribed drug of any kind nor will I ever take a flu shot or any other type of vaccination! The whole system is out of control, look at it ,the financial system, the government is way too big,making more laws, telling the people whats good for us,a small government works the best,we are supposed to learn from history so why don't we? People wake up or die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. blank markieg98 says:

    Meet the criminals right under our noses. I do believe that this is a group that we need to look more into. They bribe doctors into using their prescribed medications that are highly addictive to patients, without regard for the patients safety.

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