Ellagic Acid: A Cervical, Breast & Prostate Cancer Fighting Wonder

Ellagic acid is a phytochemical (polyphenol) that your body produces in the large intestines, but it also is found in many foods. This special phytochemical has been found to be a great salve to those suffering from multiple cancers, including cervical, breast, and prostate cancers.
Ellagic Acid Healing Prostate Cancer
In recent studies, ellagic acid and its metabolized products were found concentrated in the prostate tissue of male mice fed pomegranates.
In human subjects who were suffering from an enlarged prostate or cancerous growth in the tissues of the prostate, those fed pomegranate juice or who ate almonds for three days prior to a surgery were found to have lesser prostate cancer cells than those who did not consume these foods. The results of this study are published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.
“Cotreatment with low concentrations of EA and UA dramatically decreased cell proliferation, exhibiting synergism in PC-3 cells evaluated by isobolographic analysis and combination index. These data provide information on pomegranate metabolites for the prevention of PCa recurrence, supporting the role of gut flora-derived metabolites for cancer prevention.”
In another journal entitled Clinical Cancer Research, patients who were given just 8 ounces of pomegranate juice daily saw a decrease in cancerous tissue. There are dozens of other studies that prove that eating foods high in ellagic acid will help to reduce prostate cancer.
Read: 4 Anti-Cancer Foods
Ellagic Acid Healing Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer & More
This incredible phytonutrient has also been proven to fight cervical cancers with surprising efficiency. A study coming from the Hollings Cancer Institute at the University of South Carolina found that in over 500 women studied, all of whom had cervical cancer, almost 85% of participants experienced what is called G-arrest of cancerous cells within 48-72 hours by increasing their ellagic acid consumption.
Not only have further studies confirmed these results, but now cancer cell apoptosis (cancer suicide) has been confirmed for breast cancer, pancreas cancer, skin, colon, and esophageal cancers as well. The ellagic acid works primarily by stopping mitosis cancer cell division.
Further studies are suggesting that ellagic acid inhibits mutagenesis and carcinogenesis by forming adducts with DNA, thus masking binding sites to be occupied by a mutagen or carcinogenic substance.
The continued studies on ellagic acid are even showing that those with a predisposition due to genetics for certain cancers can be helped with this singular phytonutrient. Ellagic acid occurs naturally in many foods like raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates, blackberries, cranberries, walnuts and pecans.
All the best “fast foods.” They’re the foods our government should be promoting – not corn, soy and canola – foods that are primarily pumped into processed foods and restaurant food.