Dallas may End 5 Decades of Water Fluoridation: Saving $1 Million Annually in the Process

It is taking effect in cities across the nation. Anti-fluoridation activists and knowledgeable consumers have finally tipped the scale, and now Dallas may cease tampering with its water supply with sodium fluoride, saving a million dollars annually, along with a few IQ points.
After months of regular visits by citizens to city council meetings, the Dallas City Council decided last week to stop water fluoridation. Perhaps it was economic incentive alone that allowed the council to decide to end five decades of water fluoridation, or the tireless work of citizens who continuously probed council members about why they would fluoridate city water when it has been proven to be very dangerous to human health.
NBC 5 Dallas Fort Worth reported that the results from the last meeting surprised anti-fluoridation activists, who have been trying to get someone to listen to them about this industrial chemical and its risks for years.
Dallas City Council Member Sheffie Kadane said he discussed ending fluoridation with City Manager A.C. Gonzalez, citing Kadane as saying:
“We don’t need it and we’d just save a million dollars that we can use for something else. … We’re looking into seeing what we can do immediately so we can get those funds up front now.”
Kadane was backed by Council members Scott Griggs and Jennifer Staubach Gates. Anti-fluoridation activist Regina Imburgia said:
“Yeah. … This is major big. I knew we would prevail. It only makes sense. We’re spending too much money on an ineffective program”.
Imburgia said that there was no need to put fluoride in water when it had obvious health risks, and that people who really wanted fluoride to prevent tooth decay could just squeeze it out of a tube of toothpaste.
City council members focused on the savings of ending fluoridation, rather than the fact that its removal from municipal water was a public health concern.
Read: Rejection – 5 Fluoride Victories of 2014
Health Concerns over Toxic Fluoride
There have been multiple studies proving that fluoride is not metabolized easily by the body, and accumulates in the tissues and bones (much like glyphosate – a main ingredient in pesticides).
Other studies have proven that accumulated fluoride can alter the activities of some enzymes involved in free-radical metabolism and whole brain functioning. Philippe Grandjean MD from the Department of Environmental Health at the Harvard School of Public Health, and Philip Landrigan MD, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai, New York, state that industrial chemicals can injure the developing brain in children, lowering their memory and IQ.
Fluoride is among five scientifically identified industrial chemicals that lead to neurological impairment:
- Lead
- Methylmercury
- Polychlorinated biphenyls
- Arsenic
- Fluoride
Researchers Grandjean and Landrigan postulate that there are even more neurotoxicants which remain undiscovered, and propose a global prevention strategy to control what they describe as the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity.
Anti-fluoridation advocates in Dallas will get their water fluoride free now, even if it is the last decades’ poor economy driving the point home to city officials.
Congratulations to Dallas for joining most of the world in rejecting fluoridation. It is illegal for a doctor or a dentist to force anyone to take a drug or a chemical. It should be illegal for the government as well.
The world has learned the truth that fluoridation is ineffective for teeth and dangerous to health, so only 5% of the world and only 3% of Europe fluoridate their drinking water, more in the U.S. (70% fluoridated) than the rest of the world combined. Data from the WHO shows that the tooth decay rate in Europe is as good or better than any fluoridated country including the U.S.
LAST JULY Israel joined most of the world in banning water fluoridation saying,
“it presents health dangers and its benefits are no longer widely accepted.”
As a lifelong resident of Dallas, I must say this is a blockbuster and a milestone in this city’s path in the right direction. My concern is that Dallas and other cities will hopefully one day soon be liable for the decades of water poisoning it’s citizens. All is required is for a research/study to be performed on the detrimental and malingering effects of fluoride has on the human body. What legal recourse the public at large has is yet to be determined.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, on April 23rd, decided to continue NOT adding supplemental water fluoridation to the water supply as well. There was a danger that it would be added back to the water supply, but 7 out of 8 water board member voted NO because the CDC hasn’t issued their final report on supplemental water fluoridation yet (it’s been many years since they said that they would.) Several of the board members also voiced concerns about its dangers, and will likely vote to continue not adding it if/when the CDC issues a final recommendation.
It would be nice if this were true, but according to Fluoride Action Network and this report, it isn’t. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=719377471442286&id=495997743780261
Let’s say the fluoridation is stopped. Just watch, people! Reliably. The pro-fluoridation group will be pushing to get it added back to the water supply under the usual excuses and long proven false information. It’s like clockwork. Give it a couple years.
But what will they do with the polluting poison now that communities have decided NOT to add it to their supply? More Chemtrails! Dilution is the solution to pollution…has always been their mantra. I guess now they will just dump it in the river like they do the rest of their pollutants! Or dig deep pits or evaporating ponds which do not have a track record of being safe. And just think…if Dallas is paying $1 million a year to poison their water, every town, village and city must be paying BILLIONS throughout the US. Big Aluminum isn’t going to like this!
Fluoride is used in the processing of just about everything you find shopping in a grocery store – especially items targeting children.
I’m moving to Dallas
Wow, I hate to hear something like this in such a large city. So many people could benefit from Fl yet they take it away. Give it a few years and Texas will see the stress on the insurance system and add it back. Hopefully.
Silly troll. You can drink fluoride on you own if you like. No one is stopping you. Just don’t make me drink it. By the way, fluoride is somewhat effective topically on the teeth. It is a poison when taken internally. Go for it.
Many countries are actuallly “SMART” to stop fluoridation. The U.S. is not only stupid in allowing fluoridation in 70% of the country, but just doesn’t care about the health and wellbeing of its citizens.
The U.S. Government should be ashamed of itself.
This is supposed to be a free country. Why is this being forced on its citizens??
Dallas should be very proud ot its decision to NOT allow fluridation!!!
Congratulations, Dallas!!!
No fluoride in the water supply. Good.
Now, notice the City Council member who says, “Good, now we can use the money somewhere else.”
Sheesh. Statist to the core. Council member, listen up,”If you can save a million dollars somewhere in your budget, then give that money BACK to the citizens you stole it from! And lower the tax rate appropriately. THAT is being honest.”
Let’s just hope they don’t decide to do away with the chlorine in water. If they do they will kill a lot of people.
Detroit needs to be next.